PingID User Detailed Status Report field descriptions
Field name Description Type
username The name of the user in PingID. string
deviceId The unique identifier of the specific device used to authenticate. long
status The status of the user account. The value will be identical on all rows that relate to that user. This value can be:
  • ACTIVE. The user's PingID account is created, and the user has completed registration and paired the account with a device. The user can perform any of the permitted PingID functions.
  • NOT_ACTIVE. The administrator created the user's PingID account but either the account is not yet activated, or an activation message and code was sent but the activation code has expired.
  • PENDING ACTIVATION. The user account was activated but has not been paired with a device.
  • PENDING. The user started the registration process but did not finish it, and has therefore not paired with a device.
  • SUSPENDED. The administrator suspended this user’s ability to be authenticated by PingID. This may occur, for example, for security reasons if a user can’t find the registered device.
userCreationTime The date and time that the user was registered in PingID. If more than one row is shown per user, the value will be identical for all of the user's entries. date and time (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, timezone: UTC)
orgEmail The user's contact email address. If a user has multiple devices, this email address will be identical on all rows. string
deviceCount The number of authentication devices registered to this user. This number should match the number of rows of devices for that user, and appear as an identical value on each of that user's device rows. integer
deviceType The type of authenticating device. The following device types are available:
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • SMS
  • Voice
  • YubiKey
  • Email
  • Desktop
  • Security Key
  • FIDO2 Biometrics
  • Hardware Token
  • Authenticator App
deviceRole The role of the device. Possible values Primary or Secondary. string
devicePairingDate The date and time that the device was paired. date and time (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, timezone: UTC)
deviceModel The model of the mobile device, tablet, or computer, on which the PingID App is installed. string
osVersion The version of the operating system of the mobile device, tablet or computer, on which the PingID App is installed. string
appVersion The PingID mobile app or desktop version installed on the user's mobile device, tablet, or computer. string
countryCode The international country dialing code for SMS or Voice authentication. string
phoneNumber The phone number for SMS or Voice authentication, excluding the international country dialing code. string
yubikeySerialNumber The serial number of the YubiKey paired with the user account. string
deviceEmail The email address for an email authentication device type. string

The date and time of the most recent successful authentication activity of this user, irrespective of association with a particular authentication device. If a user has multiple devices, the date and time of the last activity will be identical on all rows.


When lastTrxTime is empty, either the user has never performed an authentication, or has last authenticated prior to October, 2018 and never since.

date and time (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, timezone: UTC)
bypassUntil For an active user, the entry in this column will be empty. If the admin has configured a user to be able to bypass PingID MFA, the date and time the bypass will expire, or has expired, is reported on each device row for that user. date and time (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, timezone: UTC)

The last device transaction time reflects the last time that a particular device was used for authentication. It is not necessarily the last time the user authenticated with any available device.


When lastDeviceTrxTime is empty, either the user has never performed an authentication on the specific device, or has last authenticated with the device prior to March, 2020 and never since.

date and time (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, timezone: UTC)

Indicates that when the security key was paired, the Resident Key field (in the Admin portal) was configured to Required.

Values: true or false.

This field only appears when the deviceType = Security Key.

Indicates whether user verification has been performed successfully with the security key either during registration, or during at least one successful authentication attempt.

Values: true or false.

This field only appears when the deviceType = Security Key.
fidoBackupEligibility Indicates whether the FIDO device (FIDO biometrics, or FIDO security key) supports credentials backup to the cloud. boolean
fidoBackupState Indicates whether the FIDO device credentials are backed up to the cloud.For devices that are already paired with PingID, these fields are updated on the fly. boolean