PingID Administration Guide

Viewing policy events in the PingID report

Generate a PingID report to view a range of PingID events.

About this task

There are two types of policy events included in the PingID report:

Pairing Details event

Provides details of a user’s pairing attempt, based on the Device & Pairing rules. For more information, see Device and pairing policy.

Authentication Details event

Provides details of a user’s authentication attempt, based on the defined policy rules together with the Device & Pairing rules. For more information, see Configuring a global authentication policy (default policy), Configuring a RADIUS PCV and SSH access policy, and Device and pairing policy. The entry also indicates the apps and groups to which a policy is applied, if applicable.

  • Policy-related event data, such as IP Address and Country, is only included in report events when the accessing device is able to push the data as part of the authentication flow. For offline authentication events and authentication failure events, policy-related fields will therefore show results as N/A.

  • For an overview of running and filtering PingID reports, see Running the PingID activity report.


  1. In the PingOne admin console, go to Dashboard → Reporting.

  2. From the Report Type list, select PingID.

  3. In the Within field, enter 7, and then select Days from the list. Click Run.

    You can filter the results by changing the Time Range or entering a string in the Filter field and then running the report again.

Screen capture of the Reporting tab showing the Report Parameters entered for PingID within 7 days. Below the Report Parameters the Report for PingID within the last 7 days is displayed.


The PingID report displays, showing results for the past 7 days by default. Policy-related entries are identified by the following information:


The time at which the policy event occurred.


The user to whom the policy was applied.


A list of policy-related fields providing detailed information about policy-related events. The first line of the Message field indicates whether the event is a Pairing Details event or an Authentication Details event.


The status POLICY indicates that the event is a policy related event.

Each policy entry lists values for the relevant policy elements. The following table describes the elements that can be included in a policy event and their potential values. NOTE: The order of the elements in the table corresponds to the order of the elements in the displayed report.

Policy element Value

Type of event

Authentication Details or Pairing Details.

IP Address

The IP address of the accessing device.

Previous Authentication IP

The IP address of the IP address of the accessing device used in the previous sign on.

Previous Authentication Time

The time of the last successful authentication.

IP Reputation Whitelist Met

Indicates whether the IP address of the accessing device appears in the IP reputation rule white list (true or false).

Geovelocity Whitelist Met

Indicates whether the IP address of the accessing device appears in the Geovelocity rule white list (true or false).

IP Risk Score

The risk score category of the IP address of the accessing device (Low, Medium, or High).


The location from which the accessing device is communicating.

Previous Country

The location from which the accessing device communicated during the last sign on.

Ground Speed

The speed taken to travel between the current login location and the previous location, in the time that elapsed since the previous sign on (km/h). If the speed exceeds 1000 km/h, the rule is triggered.

Current VPN/Proxy login

Whether the accessing device for the current sign on is using a proxy or VPN. Possible values are true or false. If this value is true, the Geovelocity rule is ignored.

Previous VPN/Proxy login

Indicates the accessing device for the previous sign on was using a proxy or VPN. Possible values are true or false. If this value is true, the Geovelocity rule is ignored.

New Device

Whether the accessing device is new. Possible values are true or false.

Requested Application ID

The ID of the app the user is trying to access.

Requested Application Name

The name of the app the user is trying to access.

Password Reset

Indicates whether the user tried to reset the SSO password. Possible values are true or false.

Self Service Device Management

Whether the user tried to access the Devices page. Possible values are true or false.

Time since last Authentication

The amount of time that has passed since the last authentication. In the last <number> minutes.

Accessing Device UserAgent

The user agent string of the browser on the accessing device.

Accessing Device OS

The name and version of the OS on the accessing device, for example, OS X 10,15.

Accessing Device Browser

The browser used on the accessing device, for example, Chrome 89.0

Allowed Authentication Methods

The allowed authentication methods in the applied policy. This information is displayed in the event that a user attempts to authenticate with a device that is not allowed by this policy.

Time since last Authentication from Office

The last time the user authenticated from the office, in minutes. If no office is defined, the value is N/A.

Mobile OS Version

The OS name and version of the authenticating device. For example, iOS 9.3.2.

Device Model

The make and model of the authenticating device. For example, iPhone 6S.

Device Lock Enabled

Whether device lock is enabled on the mobile device. Possible values are true or false.

Device Rooted or Jailbroken

Whether the mobile device rooted or jailbroken. Possible values are true or false.

Device enrolled in MDM

Whether the mobile device is enrolled in mobile device management (MDM). Possible values are true or false.

PingID App version

The version of the PingID app on the user device. For example, 1.8.1.


The action defined for this policy:


Authentication is approved without any further action from the user.


Authentication is denied.


A push notification is sent to the user requiring swipe to authenticate.


A push notification is sent to the user requiring the user to authenticate using their device biometrics.


The user is prompted to enter a one-time passcode to authenticate.

Policy/Policies not Met

The name of the policy/policies that were not met during the pairing or authentication action.

Policy/Policies Met

The name of the policy or policies with which the action complied.

Rule Met

The rule within the policy that was executed.

Group Affected

The groups to which the policy was applied.

Policy event examples

The following examples illustrate common policy event scenarios.

Authentication not requested because the user recently authenticated successfully

When performing an action that normally requires authentication, a user is not requested to authenticate (Action:Approve) because they already authenticated within the time stated in the policy (Rule Met: "Time since user’s last authentication: 2 minutes".

Screen capture of the PingID report showing how authentication is not requested.

Authentication unsuccessful

The policy does not support the specific mobile device. Authentication is denied to a user attempting to sign on using a device that is no longer supported (Device Model: Moto E with 4G LTE (2nd Gen); Authentication Successful: No; Policies not Met: Device model not supported).

Screen capture of the PingID report showing an unsuccessful authentication due to the device not being supported.

Pairing successful

When pairing a device, an authentication action policy event entry is displayed after the pairing attempt entry. Pairing event shows successful pairing of an iPhone 6S (Device Paired "iPhone 6S" Status=SUCCESS. Authentication event shows New Device: true).

Screen capture of the PingID report showing the successful pairing of an iPhone 6s.

Pairing denied

A user’s attempt to pair with an iPhone 6 fails, because the device is not supported. The event type (Pairing Details) indicates Device Model: iPhone 6S, Policies not Met: Device model not supported.Screen capture of the PingID report showing how the pairing of an iPhone 6 is denied due to not being supported.