PingID Administration Guide

Configuring a new PingID SDK app

Create and configure a new PingID SDK application in the admin web portal.


  1. In the admin portal, go to Applications → PingID SDK Applications. Screen capture illustrating the PingID SDK Applications tab in the administrator web portal.

    If there are applications already defined for your organization, they are listed on this page.

  2. To open the Add PingID SDK Application wizard, click Add Application.

  3. Configure the Basic Properties fields: Screen capture illustrating the Basic Properties section of the Add PingID SDK Application window.

    1. In the Application Name field, enter the application name.

      The Application Name field is required, and each name must be unique. If the name is in use, an error message appears and the Next button is disabled.

      Whitespaces are permitted, except for the first and last characters.

    2. To enter the Application ID (UUID) of a shared application that is already registered in another PingOne tenant, click Link to existing application.

      Any Application ID can appear only once in an organization’s list of registered PingID SDK applications.

      A link icon appears next to a linked application, both in the original organization and in the organization referencing the Application ID.

    3. Click Next.

  4. Configure the Connect to your application fields:

    Choose from:

    • On iOS: You can upload and associate separate certificate files for the Sandbox and for Production.

    • On Android: Both of the connection details fields, Sender ID and Server Key, can either be left blank or must both be filled.

      + image::div1569483765690.png[alt="Screen capture illustrating the Connect To Your Application section of the Add PingID SDK Application window.",role="border-no-padding"]

      1. Click Next.

  5. Configure the Configure PingID fields: Screen capture illustrating the Configure PingID section of the Add PingID SDK Application window.

    The Configure PingID section lets you:

    • Access the Configuration Edit window directly.

    • Simplify the configuration process by allowing you to copy the configurations of an existing application. This feature is only available after at least one application has been configured.

      • When there are more than 5 applications, a Search field appears. Entering part of an application’s name in the Search field immediately shortens the returned list of apps to entries that contain the input search string.

      • If you choose an already existing application configuration, all of its configurations automatically apply to the new application.

      • Any of the configuration settings can be changed.

      • Updating a configuration setting in either the original application or the newly created application does not have any impact on the other application’s configuration.

      1. From the Configuration list, select a configuration or predefined application to copy its configuration.

      2. To navigate directly to the app’s Integration and Configuration tabs or to view or change the configuration settings, click Save & Edit Configuration.

    For more information, see Updating a PingID SDK app’s configuration.

    1. To save the app’s integration and configuration settings as defined with the wizard and return to thePingID SDK Applications list, click Done.

  6. Go to Applications → PingID SDK Applications.

  7. To enable or disable an application, from the list of applications, click the toggle to the right of your application. Screen capture illustrating the PingID SDK Applications tab with applications toggled on and off.