PingID Administration Guide

Upgrading PingID MFA Adapter for AD FS using the CLI

Use the command-line interface (CLI) to upgrade the PingID multi-factor authentication (MFA) Adapter for Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)

About this task

To upgrade PingID MFA Adapter, you must already have a working version of PingID MFA Adapter for AD FS installed on your machine. For more information about installing PingID MFA Adapter, see Installing PingID MFA Adapter for AD FS using the CLI.

This operation involves restarting the AD FS service. Once the installation is complete, you will need to select the PingID MFA Adapter as an MFA method in AD FS.

If you have another MFA provider installed on your AD FS instance, but it is not configured correctly, you may not be able to upgrade PingID MFA Adapter for AD FS and may receive an error when running the PingID MFA installer. . To avoid potential software conflicts that could prevent proper installation, we recommend that you disable any existing MFA Authentication methods that are not used before you install PingID Adapter for AD FS.


  1. Go to the PingID Downloads page, and from the Integrations section, download the PingID MFA adapter for AD FS.

  2. Open a command prompt and run the following.

    PingIdAdfsAdapter<version>.exe [/SILENT | VERYSILENT] [/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES] [/AcceptTerms]


    Switch Description


    Hide the install wizard window and show the installation progress window.


    Hide the install wizard window and the installation progress window.


    Suppress message boxes during installation. This switch only has an effect when combined with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT.


    Suppress message box and silently accept terms of the PingID installation.