PingID Administration Guide

Customizing the PingID Enrollment page

There are currently two versions of the PingID mobile app enrollment page - the enhanced enrollment page and the legacy enrollment page. The co-branding capabilities of the enhanced enrollment page provide administrators with additional advanced customizations of the enrollment process, including more control over text and style and a more flexible, configurable enrollment flow.

About this task

The legacy Enrollment page will remain available during a transition period.

During the transition period, new organizations will see the New Enrollment Page. Enabling the New Enrollment Page disables the legacy page. To revert to the legacy Enrollment page, click the Enable toggle to off.

The legacy enrollment page is now in maintenance mode, and only critical bugs related to the page will be handled. The option of using the legacy enrollment page will be removed completely on July 1, 2022, and any organizations still using the legacy enrollment page will automatically be migrated to the enhanced enrollment page. It is therefore recommended that you use the new enrollment page.

For details on customizing the leagcy enrollment page, see Customizing the PingID enrollment page (legacy).

You can customize the look and feel of the PingID Enrollment page by:

  • Adding your organization’s logo

  • Changing the background image or color

  • Changing the enrollment Start button background color and text

  • Changing the welcome text and color

  • Changing the welcome text for multiple supported languages

To customize the PingID Enrollment page:


  1. In the Admin console, go to Setup → PingID → Branding → New Enrollment Page.

    A screen capture of the New Enrollment Page and the customization settings and the preview window.

    For existing organizations, the New Enrollment Page is disabled with default or previous settings. For new organizations, during the transition period, it is enabled by default.

  2. If you have an existing organization, click the Enable toggle to the on position.

    Choose from:

    • Click Apply Legacy to apply your relevant existing settings.

    • Click Skip to use the New Enrollment Page default settings.

    A screen capture of the Use Legacy Settings section.
  3. Add your brand editing.

    For a description of the brand editing fields, see the Branding Fields section.

  4. Click Save.

    To restore to the previous state, click Discard Changes.

Branding fields

Preview Image

The branding fields are on the left of the page. On the right is the Preview Full Size image.

A screen capture of the New Enrollment Page window, the logo branding fields, and the Preview Full Size image.

The Preview Full Size section reflects your current edits. To enlarge the preview, click anywhere inside the image. Click the image again to restore it to its original size.

The branding fields can be entered all or in parts and in any order. Click Save to save your changes. Click Discard Changes to revert to the previous state.

A screen capture of the Logo section with options to decline a logo or upload your logo.

No Logo

This is the default.Corporate Logo

This option is available after the admin uploads the organization logo to the dock settings. For more information, see Assign branding and design in the PingOne for Enterprise Administration Guide.Upload Logo

When you select this option, the Select File button appears. Click Select File to select the logo image file.

  • The logo can be a JPEG, JPG, GIF, or PNG file with a maximum size of 5 MB.

  • The logo is shared with Swipe Screen.

A screen capture of Button & Link Color and Button Text fields.

These fields relate to the Start and Skip fields in the preview.

A screen capture of the Welcome to PingID preview page with the customized Start and Skip buttons.

Click these and all subsequent color fields to open a standard color selector.

An image of a standard color selector.

The color you select displays in hexadecimal format in the Button & Link Color and Button Text fields. You can also enter a hexadecimal number directly in the fields.

  • The Button & Link color setting applies to the Start button background color and the Skip text color.

  • The Button Text color applies to the Start button text color only.

Click Reset to revert to the default value.

Background Color

Click Background Color to open a standard color selector. Click Reset to restore the default setting.

If you are using a background image, the background color does not display.

Background Image

In the Background Image section, click Remove File to remove the default image and reveal the Select File icon.

A screen capture of the Background Image section with the reset or upload options.

Click the Select File icon to select a background image. Click Reset to restore the default setting.

If your image is truncated or distorted, you might need to physically re-size it before uploading. The PingID enrollment message background assumes a display aspect ratio of 16:9.

Text Color

Click Text color opens the standard color selector. This color applies to the text of the Welcome message. Click Reset to restore the default setting.

Customizing message texts

PingID provides customizable message texts for each of the supported languages. Currently supported languages are listed in PingOne for Enterprise language support.

When the end user’s machine locale is set to one of the PingID supported languages, the user receives enrollment messages in the language of that locale. If the user’s locale is not a PingID supported language, then the user receives enrollment messages in English.

Customizing message texts online

Customize the title and body message text for your user’s enrollment experience.

About this task

The Message section is the last item of the New Enrollment Page. The following image shows the Message section and the message preview.

A screen capture of the Message section and customizable Title and Body fields.
A screen capture of the Welcome to PingID preview window containing the customized Title and Body fields.

Editable fields are:


A short welcome message


A paragraph-size message presented on the end user’s device during enrollment regarding PingID’s connection to the user’s organization and its role in securing the user’s identity. You can use regular text or HTML in this section.

To view or edit the Title and Body messages:


  1. To choose a language other than English, in the Message section, click the language abbreviation icon, and then from the language selector list, select a language.


    The Title and Body messages appear in the selected language.

  2. Edit the text in the Title and Body fields.

  3. Repeat step 2 for any other required languages.

  4. Click Save to save your changes or Discard Changes to revert to the previous message.

    • There are no validation checks to verify that the entered message text is in the selected language.

    • To restore the default text for a locale, click Reset next to the Title and Body field headings to restore the default text.

Customizing message texts offline

You can download message text templates to edit offline for a later multi-locale upload.

About this task

Choose only one of either online or offline editing methods. To edit message texts online, see Customizing message texts online.

To prepare for customizing Title and Body messages offline:


  1. In the languages list, select Edit Localization File.


    The Localization dialog box opens.

    A screen capture of the Localization section and options to choose a localization file or download one.
  2. Choose a localization file.

    Choose from:
    • Click Download Ping Defaults to download the PingID default message template for editing and customization.

    • Click Download Current File to download the current customized message texts template for further editing and customization.

      The Download Current File button is not visible if customized message texts have not yet been uploaded or if the default PingID message texts were restored.


After selecting Download Ping Defaultsor Download Current File, a .zip file downloads containing a separate message localization file per supported language.

Creating customized messages

About this task

The localization files in the .zip file that you downloaded have the naming convention Localization_<locale>.properties.__

The following example shows the content of the file.

pingid.enrollment.content.body=Your  company  is  …  so let’s get started.
pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line=Welcome to PingID
pingid.enrollment.content.description=Great news! … link to download PingID. want to use a different authentication method.

The pingid.enrollment.content.body item is the Body text.

The pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line item is the Title text.

The remaining two lines refer to the legacy Enrollment page and are not relevant when using the New Enrollment Page.

To customize Title and Body messages offline:

  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file.

  2. Edit the Localization_<locale>.properties files to customize the message text.

    If there are errors in the field names pingid.enrollment.content.body and pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line strings, or those field names are not in the localization file, the affected message reverts to the default text for its locale.

  3. Create a new .zip file containing your customized properties files. You can use any file name for the .zip file.

    The .zip file must be a flat structure containing only the desired files.

    • Uploading a .zip file with an invalid structure returns the error message File doesn’t contain any valid localizations.

    • Only files with file names complying with the Localization_<locale>.properties naming convention are uploaded.

    • Files containing file names that do not comply with the Localization_<locale>.properties naming convention are ignored. This permits inclusion of instruction and maintenance files in the .zip file, such as readme.txt.

    • Localization files for unsupported locales are ignored.

  4. In the Upload Localization File section, click Choose File. In the file browser that opens, select the .zip file that you created in step 3.

    A screen capture of the Localization window and a populated list of Languages Updated.
    Languages Updated

    A list of the language locales whose messages change with this update.

    Languages Removed

    A list of the language locales whose messages restore to the default messages with this update.

  5. Click Save to accept and upload the changes, or Cancel to abandon the upload.

  6. If you have removed languages, click Confirm to complete the upload.

    Removed language messages are replaced by their defaults.

    A screen capture of the message asking to confirm the changes to remove languages.
    • Uploading a .zip file of offline localization files resets online customizations for languages excluded from the .zip file. For example, if you make an online customization of English messages and then upload a .zip file that contains only a localization file for Spanish, only the Spanish messages update according to the uploaded customization. The English messages restore to the default message text.

    • The system does not maintain a history of changes.

Restoring customized messages to defaults

Remove current localization files to restore customized messages to defaults.

About this task

To restore customized messages to defaults:

  1. Click Remove to restore the message texts to the original default text for all locales.

    A screen capture of the Localization window and options to download.

    A list of the Languages Removedis displayed.

    Languages Removed

    A list of the language locales whose messages restore to the default messages with this update.

  2. Click Save.


    A confirmation dialog box warns that the removal of the customized localization file will restore the enrollment message text to the PingID default messages.

    A screen capture of the confirmation dialog message asking you to confirm your request to remove languages.
  3. Click Confirm.

    You can click Cancel to abandon the Remove operation.

Reviewing customized messages

You can confirm your work by selecting each changed locale in turn and looking at the Message section and the Preview image.

Customizing the PingID enrollment page (legacy)

Customize the look and feel of the PingID mobile app enrollment page for the PingID user.

About this task

Configure the enrollment page by adding your organization’s logo, changing the background appearance, and adding a background image or changing the color to reflect your organization’s branding.

  • The legacy enrollment page is now in maintenance mode, and only critical bugs related to the page will be handled. The option of using the legacy enrollment page will be removed completely on July 1, 2022, and any organizations still using the legacy enrollment page will automatically be migrated to the enhanced enrollment page. It is therefore recommended that you use the new enrollment page. For details on customizing the new enrollment page, see Customizing the PingID Enrollment page.

  • PingID Authenticator supports Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent unverified scripts from running in the PingID environment. CSP-supported browsers will not execute custom scripts defined in the enrollment page. To benefit from the latest security enhancements, always update your web browsers to include the latest security features and security patches.


  1. Go to Setup → PingID → Branding → Enrollment.

A screen capture of the PingID Enrollment branding and settings configuration workflow.
  1. Customize one or more of the following elements:

    Option Description


    Select the icon you want to apply to the swipe screen and enrollment page.

    • No Logo: (default): do not apply a logo.

    • Corporate Logo: Use the corporate logo configured in your PingOne dock settings. If you have not assigned a logo in the dock settings, this option is unavailable. For more information, see Customize the Dock Settings in the PingOne Administration Guide.

    • Upload Logo: To add a logo, click Upload Logo, navigate to the icon file you want to use, and then click Open. The logo can be a JPEG, JPG, GIF, or PNG file with a maximum size of 5 MB.

      The logo configuration applies to both the swipe screen and the enrollment page.

    Download Link Button

    Customize the look and feel of the Get Download Link button.

    • To change the button background color, click the left color picker and select the background color or enter the relevant hex number.

    • To change the button text color, click the right color picker and select the text color or enter the relevant hex number.

    • Click Reset to restore the default values.

    Background Color

    Customize the background color of the enrollment page, click theBackground Color color picker and, select the background color or enter the relevant hex number.

    This option is only available if a background image is not selected. Click Reset to restore the default setting.

    Background Image

    Set a background image for the enrollment page.

    1. Click Remove to remove any existing image.

    2. Click Select File, navigate to the icon file you want to use, and then click Open.

      The logo can be a JPEG, JPG, GIF, or PNG file with a maximum size of 5 MB.

    3. Text Color: Select Dark or Light to customize the text color appearing in the Enrollment page.

  2. PingID provides customizable message texts for each of the supported languages. To customize messages on the enrollment page, see Customizing the enrollment page text by language locale.

    When the end user’s machine’s locale is set to one of PingID’s supported languages, the user receives enrollment messages in that locale’s language. If the user’s locale is not a language supported by PingID, then the user receives enrollment messages in English.

  3. Click Preview Full Size to preview the changes as they will appear on your organization’s enrollment screen.

    A screen capture of customizing the background and preview window for the PingID enrollment page.
    A screen capture of the preview of a customized PingID enrollment page and mobile app download invite.

    Click Save.

Clicking Discard Changes in the PingID Home, Swipe Screen, or Enrollment windows discards any changes made in all of the windows since the last save.