Automatically update and remove PingID users
The PingID Connector synchronizes user identities and their profile attributes from a configured datastore within PingFederate to PingID.
Ping Identity offers a catalog of connectors that provide provisioning capabilities to software as a service (SaaS) providers. The connectors act as mediators to handle transactions safely and securely. The PingID Connector offers profile management solutions to multiple directory types, such as LDAP, Active Directory (AD), and PingDirectory.
Processing steps
PingFederate polls the user directory for any changes to user records at regular intervals, configurable in PingFederate.
Records requiring action found during step 1 are stored within PingFederate’s intermediary database and marked as a requiring an update in PingID (PingOne).
The connector pulls the marked record from the intermediary database and performs the necessary Read (Get), Update, or Delete operation against the PingID record. These changes are reflected in the PingOne admin portal.
The PingID Connector:
Provides support for PingID API 4.9
Includes support for user life cycle management including updates, disabling users, and deleting users
Includes configuration options for workflow capabilities, such as the ability to disable updates.
To download the PingID for PingFederate connector, see PingFederate Server SaaS Connectors.
For details on how to configure the PingID for PingFederate connector, see PingFederate PingID Connector Guide.