PingID Administration Guide

July 2023

New features and improvements in PingID implemented in July 2023.

July 26

Security key authentication failure when adding new Google account on Android

Fixed STAGING-20031 PingID

There were cases where PingID authentication with a security key failed when the user was trying to add a new Google account to their Android device. This issue has been fixed.

July 25

New version of PingID integration for Windows login - passwordless (version 1.4)

New PingID Integration for Windows login

July 18

SMS delivery code enhancement

Improved PingID

To avoid SMS delivery issues associated with the use of Long Codes (LC) in some US territories, and to improve resiliency, Ping Identity’s SMS service now uses short codes (SC) and Toll-Free Numbers (TFN) only.

July 17

Support ID added to general error messages

Improved PingID

To help the Ping Identity support team to identify the relevant log entries and troubleshoot customer issues more effectively, we’ve added a Support ID to all general error messages in PingID.

PingID user guide restructured

Improved PingID

We’ve restructured the PingID user guide to reflect the user journey - pairing and then authenticating with PingID. We’ve also streamlined the topic structure to focus on authentication methods, rather than platforms.

July 11

Support of FIDO2 security key device redirection with Windows RDP

Improved PingID

Windows login now supports FIDO2 security keys redirection when using Windows 10 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or later.