PingID Administration Guide

Configuring a Signing In Policy

To configure Juniper for PingID multi-factor authentication (MFA), you must configure a sign in policy.


  1. In the left navigation pane, in the Authentication section, click Signing In.

    A screen capture of the Signing In window, with an arrow highlighting its location in the menu and an arrow pointing to the New URL button.


    The Signing In window opens.

  2. In the Signing In window, click New URL…​.


    The next section of the Signing In window opens.

    A screen capture of the New URL section of the Signing In window. This screen capture shows an example completed configuration.
  3. In the User Type section, click Users.

  4. In the Sign-in URL field, enter the sign-in URL in the format of <host>/<path>/.


  5. In the Authentication Realm section, enter the following information:

    1. Click User Picks from a List of Authentication Realms.

    2. From the Available Realms list, select the realm created in Adding a New Authentication Realm, and then click Add. The realm is added to the Selected Realms list.


      The Signing In window is displayed, and the User URL list contains the new URL.

  6. Click Save Changes.

  7. From User URLs list, select the check box next to the URL you just created.

  8. To move the URL to the top of the list, click the Up Arrowicon (zzb1564020885413).

    A screen capture of the Signing In window, demonstrating how to use the up arrow icon to move a URL to the top of the list.
  9. Click Save Changes.


    The Juniper VPN is now configured to use the PingFederate RADIUS password credential validator (PCV) server.