PingID Administration Guide

Installing the desktop app using the Windows CLI

Install the PingID desktop app using the command-line interface (CLI). This is useful for deploying on multiple machines in batch mode.

About this task

Running the installer from the command line requires administrator permissions.


  1. Download the PingID desktop app installer from the PingID desktop download page.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window with administrator permissions.

  3. Create a .bat or .cmd file containing the following commands for the PingID desktop app, or run the installer directly from the command line, to supply the parameter values. <full filepath of the PingID desktop installation>\PingID-<version>.exe [/SILENT][/VERYSILENT] [/TASKS="roaminguserprofiles"] [/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES] [/SP-] <full output log filepath>][/DIR<full_dirpath>]

    The following table describes each parameter value.

    Parameter Description


    The background window and installation progress window are displayed by default. To hide them, include one of the following parameters.


    Hides the background window and shows the installation process window.


    Hides the background window and the installation process window.


    To add support for roaming user profiles, append this parameter. Available for version 1.5.3 and later. There are several conditions to its use.

    When the parameter is not used in a fresh installation:

    • When using the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT parameters, the UI is not shown and the roaming profile setting is unavailable.

    • Otherwise, the roaming profile setting is shown in the UI unchecked, and can be changed by the user.

    When the parameter is used in a fresh installation:

    • In SILENT or VERYSILENT mode, the UI is not shown and roaming profile is used.

    • Otherwise, the roaming profile setting is shown in the UI as checked, and can be changed by the user.

    For an upgrade from a previous version or reinstall of the same version:

    • This CLI setting is ignored.

    • In SILENT or VERYSILENT mode, the UI is not shown. The previous installation setup is maintained.

    • Otherwise, the UI will be shown but the roaming profile check box will be not be shown.


    Disables the prompt "This will install…​ Do you wish to continue?" that appears by default when the installation starts.


    Instructs the installer to suppress message boxes. It only has an effect when combined with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT. The default response in situations where there’s a choice is:

    • Yes in Keep newer file? situations.

    • No in File exists, confirm overwrite situations.

    • Abort in <full output log filepath>Abort/Retry situations.

    • Cancel in Retry/Cancel situations.

    • Yes (continue) in DiskSpaceWarning, DirExists, DirDoesntExist, NoUninstallWarning, ExitSetupMessage,and ConfirmUninstall situations.

    • Yes (restart) in FinishedRestartMessage andUninstalledAndNeedsRestart situations.


    • /LOG< without an assigned value will create a log file in the user’s TEMP directory, detailing file installation and actions taken during the installation process.

    • /LOG=<full output log filepath> allows you to specify a fixed path or filename to use for the log file. If a file with the specified name already exists, it will be overwritten. If the file cannot be created, the installer will abort with an error message.


    Defines the path to which you want to install the app. A fully qualified pathname must be specified in the format x:\directorypath. If no path is defined, the default path is used.

    Example:C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\PingID-1.5.0.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- /LOG="C:\Users\Admin\Temp\Logs\PingIDDesktopAppLog.log"

    This example instructs the installer to install the PingID desktop app, with the following settings:

    • Runs the installer executable, located in the Downloads folder.

    • Does not display the background window and installation progress window (/VERYSILENT parameter).

    • Does not display message boxes and prompts (/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES and /SP- parameters).

    • Sends the log output to a customized destination (/LOG parameter).

  4. To verify the installation, test that a user can open the desktop app instance on their Windows machine and pair their device.