
PingOne standard platform limits

The PingOne platform includes default limits in order to ensure secure and reliable access for all of our customers.

This is not a comprehensive list of all usage limits on PingOne. Limits on this list are subject to change. If you experience issues or have questions that aren’t addressed in the following tables, contact your solution architect or open a support case in the Ping Identity Support Center.

Type Limit

HTTP API requests per source IP

100 requests per second

SMS messages

50 per day per user

Email messages

50 per day per user

Gateway requests

500 per second per gateway instance

Webhook delivery

500 messages of 1 KB each per POST, 72 POSTs per second.

Identity data
Type Limit

Custom attribute schema

Maximum of 200 string attributes and 200 JSON attributes

Combined size of custom string and custom JSON attributes

Maximum is determined by the current, cumulated size of the user profile, which must not exceed 16 KB. Learn more in Custom attributes.

Type Limit

Admin groups

Maximum of 500

Role assignments per admin group

Maximum of 3500

Population level role assignments

Maximum of 250

Role assignments per user or Worker application

3500 roles

Environments, populations, and groups
Type Limit


Varies by subscription plan:

  • Trial plan max: 5 per organization.

  • Platform max: 500 per organization.

For limits specific to your plan, contact Support or your solution architect.


10,000 per environment


100,000 per environment


1 million per environment for trial plans, up to 50 million per environment depending on your contract

Group memberships

10,000 per identity. Due to size limits on ID tokens, the number of groups returned in a token could be lower.

PingOne Advanced Services or PingID deployments

100 per organization

Sign-on policies
Type Limit

Sign-on policies

100 per environment


21 per policy

Type Limit


1000 per environment

Application attribute mappings

100 per application

Sign-on policies or DaVinci flow policies

20 per application

Terms of service text

32,000 characters per revision text

Type Limit

Custom domains

Paid plans only

Email customization

Paid plans only


50 per environment

Email trust domains

50 per environment


100 per environment


100 per environment

DaVinci flow limits
Property Limit Description



Your environment can contain a maximum of 100 of each entity type. This limitation applies to flows, variables, and connections, but not to end users. Each flow is limited to 100 stored versions.

API payload

10 MB

The maximum payload size for any API call (such as POST, GET, or DELETE) made within a flow.

Number of nodes that can be run per flow invocation

Twice the number of nodes in the flow or 70, whichever is higher

Maximum number of nodes that can be run. This limit is distinct for each flow, so if a flow launches a subflow, both flows can run a number of nodes up to this limit.

Flow timeout

Default is 5 minutes. Maximum possible is 2 days.

A timeout value for the entire flow, beginning when the flow is invoked.

Editable for each flow. Learn more in Editing flow settings.

Flow HTTP response timeout

Default is 15 seconds. Maximum possible is 120 seconds.

A timeout value for any HTTP call made by any node in the flow.

Editable for each flow. Learn more in Editing flow settings.

Node payload

1 - 10 MB (depending on the node)

The maximum size of the payload sent by a node to future nodes.

Learn more in DaVinci flow limits.

Type Limit


1000 per environment

IdP discovery rules


Type Limit


Maximum of 20 gateways per environment.

Type Limit


1000 per environment


4196 per environment


4196 per environment


4196 per environment

PingOne Authorize
Type Limit

Unnamed versions

500 per environment

Named versions

100 per environment

Data size

7 MB per version

User-defined entities or configurations

4000 per environment

Managed entities or configurations

6000 per environment

Decision endpoints

30 per environment

Recent decisions

20 per decision endpoint

Service caching

24 hours maximum

API Servers

25 per environment


25 per API server


128 per environment


128 per environment


128 per environment


1024 per role

PingOne MFA
Type Limit

Active devices

20 per user

PingOne Verify
Type Limit

Hourly authentications

3 attempts per hour

Daily authentications

10 attempts per day

Ping Identity customers are not limited by how many verify transactions they perform. However, each of their users is limited by how many document authentications they perform.