
Protect dashboard

The Protect dashboard provides a visual representation of real-time data.

To access the Protect dashboard, in the PingOne console, go to Monitoring → Threat Protection.

Risk totals chart

The Protect dashboard shows the Risk totals chart, which summarizes all risk events analyzed in the selected time period. You can use the slider under the Risk summary chart to show data from the current day, past week, past month, or past six months. The columns in the chart rescale to show information over the selected time period. You can hover over a column to show the specific period it represents.

The columns in the chart rescale to show information over the selected time period. Each column is broken down into five sub-columns, defined at the top of the chart from left to right:

  • The number of analyzed events

  • The number of medium risk events

  • The number of high risk events

  • The number of high risk users

  • The number of high risk IP addresses

In addition to the Risk totals chart, the Protect dashboard consists of the following graphs, each of which can be expanded for greater detail:

Risk details

Only users with the dir:read:user permission can view the drill down table and user data.

In the monitored risk data tables, if the User Based Risk Behavior score is Medium or High, click the score to show the Risk Details window.

A screen capture of the monitored risk data table with scores of High in the User Based Risk Behavior column. The scores are highlighted blue to show that they are selectable.

The Risk Details window compares values of the anomalous transaction to typical user behavior.

A screen capture of the Risk Details window. There are four columns: Attribute, Normal, Anomaly, and Score.
Column Description


The category of the anomalous transaction


Typical values of the transaction category, according to normal user behavior


The anomalous value in the transaction


The risk level of the anomaly

Filtered searching

The filtered search bar appears above each table of risk data.

Screen capture of the filtered search bar with check boxes for User, IP, Country, Target Application, User Agent, OS, and Browser.
  • Click Filters to toggle the list of filter options.

  • Use the check boxes to select filters.

  • If you enter free text without choosing at least one filter, the search displays all table rows containing the entered text.

  • Wild card searches using an asterisk (\*) are not supported.

  • A space is a significant character in a search string. For example, Chrome<space>Mobile works. Chrome<space><space>Mobile does not work.

  • Use of quotation marks is not supported.

  • The left-hand search filters operate first. Subsequent use of the filtered search bar produces a subset of the prior left-hand filter.

    For example, in the Country list, select India. The table shows results for India only.

    In the filtered search bar, select OS and enter Android 10. The table is reduced to show only users from India signing on from an Android 10 device.

    For more information on the left-hand filters, see Protect dashboard filters.