
Searching for users

Use search parameters and filtering to find users in your organization.

Searching for users

  1. Go to Directory → Users.

  2. In the Search field, enter the desired search terms. You can enter plain text or SCIM queries. For more information, see SCIM filter language.

The results list is updated as you enter the search query. You can sort the results by family name (last name), given name (first name), or time that the user was last modified.

Filtering on population or status

  1. Go to Directory → Users.

  2. In the Search field, enter the desired search terms.

  3. To the right of the search box, click the Filters icon.

    User filter screen
  4. Do one or more of the following:

    • To filter by population, select one or more populations from the list.

    • To filter by status, select Enabled or Disabled from the list.

    • To clear all filters, click Clear.

The results list is updated as you enter the search query. You can sort the results by family name (last name), given name (first name), or time that the user was last modified.

Filtering on custom attributes

  1. Go to Directory → Users.

  2. In the Search field, enter the desired search terms.

  3. To the right of the search box, click the Filters icon.

  4. In the Filter panel, click the Custom tab.

  5. Define the filter to specify the identities you are searching for. For more information, see Example user filters.

    User filter custom
  6. Enter the first condition:

    • Select All or Any to determine how the linked conditions will be evaluated: Boolean logical AND or OR.

    • Attribute. The user attribute to filter on.

    • Operator. Select Equals, Starts with, Ends with, or Contains.

    • Value. Enter the appropriate value.

  7. If needed, click Add to add another condition or condition set.

  8. Click Apply.

The results list is updated as you enter the search query. You can sort the results by family name (last name), given name (first name), or time that the user was last modified.