
Configuring an Authorize gateway instance

Customize the environment and behavior of the gateway instance to suit your business needs.

Use the Docker run command or Docker Compose to pass configuration information to your gateway instance. You can configure decision logging, authentication, and service caching. ​

Use the Docker run command


  1. Stop the gateway instance container.

  2. Using the SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON environment variable, modify the docker run command to include the relevant configuration object.

    For example, to configure decision logging for the gateway instance, the command should look something like this (line breaks are included for readability and are not necessary in your command):

    docker run --init \
      -e gatewayCredential=<your-gateway-credential> \
      -e SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{"decision-logging":[{"name":"debugLog","details":["decisionTree"],"logged-attributes":["Amount"],"log-format":"%date{yyyy-MM-dd'\''T'\''HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX,UTC} [%logger] %msg%n"}]}' \
      -p 8080:8080 pingidentity/pingone-authorize-gateway:1.0.0

    Learn more about starting a gateway instance.

  3. Run the command.

    The container starts with the relevant configuration enabled for the gateway instance.