
Adding a progressive profiling step

To use progressive profiling, add it as part of an authentication policy.

About this task

Because progressive profiling requires the user to be authenticated, it can’t be the first step in the authentication policy. Create a login or multi-factor authentication step as the first step in the authentication policy.


  1. Go to Authentication → Authentication.

  2. Click Add Policy to create a new policy, or click the pencil icon to edit an existing one.

  3. Click Add Step.

  4. From the Step Type list, select Progressive Profiling.

  5. Under Attributes, select a user attribute that you want to request. You can select any standard or custom string type attribute, including nested standard attributes (such as, but not core or JSON type attributes.

  6. Select Required if appropriate. If selected, the user will not be able to skip the prompt for requested information. The Skip button will not appear, and users will not be able to sign in until they provide the requested information. Be aware that this option may prevent users from signing in.

  7. Click Add attribute to add another attribute (optional).

  8. Enter the following information:

    • Prompting text. The text that the user will see before the requested profile information.

    • Re-prompt every. If the user skips entering the requested information, determines how soon the user will be prompted again. PingOne checks when the attributes were last updated by any progressive profiling action, such as a progressive profiling action or a progressive profiling form action. If all the attributes of the form have been updated within the specified time frame then the prompt will not be shown. This option applies to optional attributes only, because required attributes cannot be skipped.

    • Show when: Another progressive profiling action has not already been shown. If an authentication policy has multiple progressive profiling steps, show this step only if another progressive profiling step has not already been shown. This includes progressive profiling actions and progressive profiling form actions.

  9. Click Save.