
Viewing group membership

You can view group membership on the Groups page or on the Users page.

About this task

You must have the Identity Data Admin role to create or edit groups. With the Identity Data Read Only role, you can view groups and group membership, but you can’t create or edit groups.

  • Groups page

  • Users page

Viewing group membership on the Groups page

The Groups summary page shows the current members of a group.


  1. Go to Directory → Groups.

  2. Locate the group that you want to view.

    You can browse or search for groups. The results list updates as you enter the search query. The current groups are shown in the list.

  3. Click the appropriate group name to expand the details pane.

  4. In the Details pane, click Users.

    The current members are listed. You can browse or search for members.

Viewing group membership on the Users page

The User details page shows group membership for a particular user.


  1. Go to Directory → Users.

  2. Locate the user that you want to view.

    You can browse or search for users. The results list is updated as you enter the search query.

  3. Click the details icon to expand the details for the appropriate user.

  4. Click the Groups tab.

    The list shows current group membership. You can also add the user to an existing group. See Managing group membership.