
Authentication for Authorize gateway endpoints

To enhance security for certain endpoints, the gateway instance can enforce client authentication using a shared secret.

Shared secrets are enforced per gateway instance and not shared between instances. To define a shared secret, use one of the available configuration methods to pass the authentication JSON object to your gateway instance.

Example authentication object:

  "authentication": {
    "type": "sharedsecret",
    "keys": ["example-secret-key"]

Configuration properties for the authentication object:

  • type: A constant set to sharedsecret.

  • keys: An array containing shared secrets as strings.

Secret keys must be at least 128 bits.

To avoid service interruptions, the gateway instance allows authenticated endpoints to accept multiple, distinct shared secrets at the same time. This allows time to update the gateway instance’s configuration to use a new shared secret.

For example:

  "authentication": {
    "type": "sharedsecret",
    "keys": ["example-secret", "example-secret-2"]

After it’s enabled, the gateway instance will require authentication for the following endpoints:

  • /api/authorize

  • /actuator/state

  • /actuator/metrics

    • /actuator/metrics/*

Any request made to these endpoints must provide the configured shared secret with the Authorization header.

For example:

curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/authorize' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer example-secret' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '
  "parameters": {
    "Amount": "990",
    "Account": "Basic checking",
    "Payment.consentId": "{{consentID}}"

If you have defined multiple shared secrets for secret rotation, the Authorization header can include any of these secrets.

Authentication is not supported for the following endpoints:

  • /actuator

  • /actuator/health

    • /actuator/health/liveness

    • /actuator/health/readiness