
Searching for groups

Use search and filtering to find existing groups in your organization.

About this task

You can filter groups by external source, such as an external identity provider (IdP) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) gateway, and by population.


  1. Go to Directory → Groups.

  2. To search for groups, enter the full name or display name in the search box.

  3. To filter the groups list:

    1. To the right of the search box, click the Filter icon.

    2. In the Filter panel, under Source, select Type to filter groups from one of the following external sources:

      • Gateway

      • External Identity Provider

      Groups provisioned from an external source display a badge showing the source of the group. For more information about external group sources, see Just-in-time provisioning of external groups.

    3. For Name, select a source name from the list of available external sources.

      A screen capture of the Groups Filter panel with External Identity Provider selected for Type and Facebook selected for Name.
    4. Under Population, search for or select one or more populations to filter your results.

      To clear all filters, click Clear.


The results list updates as you enter search terms and select filtering criteria. You can click the group name to open the group details panel.