Environment properties
An environment is the primary subdivision of an organization.
Each organization should contain at least one environment in addition to the Administrators environment. Large global enterprises can have several environments, which can be based on region or on enterprise operations, such as staging or production.
Environments contain populations, which provide the structure to manage groups of similar users within the environment.
Environments contain the core resources on which all identity services are built and encompass:
Branding and images
Password policies
Risk policies
Environment Properties
You can find the following details for your environment in Settings > Environment Properties:
- Organization Name
The name of the organization.
- Name
The name of the environment.
- Description
A brief description of the environment.
- License
The environment license details.
- Environment ID
The environment ID.
- Organization ID
The organization ID.
- Type
The type of environment (Sandbox or Production).
- Region
The geographical region to which the environment belongs.
- Created
The date and time the environment was created.
- Console Login URL
The URL used to sign on to the admin console for this environment.
- Self-Service URL
The URL for end user access to the self-service portal for this environment.
- Application Portal URL
The URL for end user access to their application portal.
- Getting Started Guides
Administrators environment only. Display or hide the Administrators getting started guide on the Environments page.
Environment types
When you create an environment, you can select Sandbox or Production. Sandbox environments are intended for configuration and testing before deployment. Production environments are intended for live configurations that are deployed for real-world use.