
SCIM filter language

The SCIM is an open standard for managing user identity information across applications or identity domains. You can use the SCIM filter language to build a user query.

The following example is a simple query to find a user by username:

username eq "christy"

You can join filter expressions by using the and and or operators and grouping them in parentheses. For example, to find all users who have a family name of Smith and a first name that starts with the letter W, use the following query:

( eq "Smith") and (name.given sw "W")

For a full list of operators and supported attributes, see the following table.

Operator Definition Description



The attribute and operator values are identical.

Supported attributes:

  • accountId

  • address.streetAddress

  • address.locality


starts with

The entire operator value is a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.

Supported attributes:

  • Custom attributes of type STRING

  • accountId

  • address.streetAddress

  • address.locality

  • address.region

  • address.postalCode

  • address.countryCode

  • email

  • enabled

  • externalId

  • locale

  • mobilePhone

  • name.formatted

  • name.given

  • name.middle


  • name.honorificPrefix

  • name.honorificSuffix

  • nickname

  • photo.href

  • preferredLanguage

  • primaryPhone

  • timezone

  • title

  • type

  • username


ends with

The entire operator value is a substring of the attribute value, starting at the end of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.

Supported attributes:

  • email


  • name.given



The entire operator value is a substring of the attribute value, anywhere in the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.

Supported attributes:


  • name.given


logical AND

Logical AND for building compound expressions in which both expressions are true.


logical OR

Logical OR for building compound expressions in which either expression is true.

These SCIM operators are not supported:

  • ne (not equal)

  • pr (present, is a non-empty or non-null value)

  • gt (greater than)

  • ge (greater than or equal to)

  • lt (less than)

  • le (less than or equal to)

  • not (logical NOT)