
Adding an application from the application catalog

Use the PingOne application catalog to configure SSO (single sign-on) for popular applications.


  1. Go to Applications → Application Catalog. You can browse or search for applications.

  2. Locate the application you want to configure, and click the application entry to open the details panel.

  3. For Quick Setup, enter the following information:

    • To change the application name, enter a new name in the Name field.

      The application name must be unique, and cannot be the same as any applications configured at Applications → Applications.

    • To change the icon for the application, click the icon image and select a new file.

      Some applications require additional configuration inputs, such as AccountID, Domain Name, or Vanity URL.

  4. Click Next.

  5. For Map Attributes, set up user attribute mapping from the application to PingOne.

    The required attributes for each application are pre-populated. In most cases you won’t need to alter the mappings.

    Required attributes must be mapped before you can proceed to the next configuration tab.

    Choose from:

    • To change the attribute mapping, enter or select a new attribute in the PingOne Mappings list.

    • To designate the attribute as required, select the Required check box.

    • To use the expression builder, or to map the attribute to a literal string value, click the gears icon. For more information, see Using the expression builder.

    • To delete an attribute mapping, click the trash can icon.

  6. Optional: To add a new attribute:

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the application field for the new attribute, enter the name of the attribute as it appears in the application.

    3. In the PingOne Mappings field for the new attribute, enter or select the PingOne attribute to map to.

      To use the expression builder, or to map the attribute to a literal string value, click the gears icon. For more information, see Using the expression builder.

  7. When you’re finished mapping attributes, click Next.

  8. For Select Groups, specify the groups that you want to have access to the application.

    By default, all users have access to the application. Assigning groups restricts application access to only those groups.

    For more information about user groups, see Groups.

  9. Click Save.


    The application is now configured for PingOne. There may be additional configuration necessary on the application side.

  10. To see applications that have already been configured, click the Configured tab.

  11. On the Connection Details tab, you can download or copy information required by the application to complete the SSO configuration.

    This information includes:

    • PingOne metadata

    • The PingOne signing certificate

    • The PingOne Issuer ID URL

    • The PingOne Single Sign-on Service URL

    • The PingOne IdP Metadata URL

    • The PingOne Initiate Single Sign-on URL

Next steps

After you configure the application, you can manage it at Applications → Applications.

To configure advanced application settings, click Enable Advanced Configuration.

After you enable advanced configuration, you’ll see all application settings on the Configuration tab for the application. These details include, but are not limited to:

  • ACS URLs: The Assertion Consumer Service URLs.

  • Signing key: The certificate that confirms that requests, responses, and assertions actually came from the application.

  • Entity ID: The service provider entity ID used to look up the application.

  • SLO endpoint: The SAML single logout endpoint URL.

  • Subject NameID format: A string that specifies the format of the Subject NameID attribute in the SAML assertion.

For more information about advanced settings, see Editing an application.