
Viewing groups

Use the Groups page to view the existing groups in the directory.

About this task

You must have the Identity Data Admin role to create or edit groups. With the Identity Data Read Only role, you can view groups and group membership, but you can’t create or edit groups.


  1. Go to Directory → Groups and browse or search for the group that you want to view.

  2. Click the group name to open the group details panel.

    The results list updates as you enter the search query and shows the current groups. Learn more in Searching for groups.

    Groups provisioned from an external source include a badge showing the source of the group, such as Gateway or IdP.


The group details panel shows information about the group, such as overview, users, and nested groups.

The Overview tab shows the name, description, and summary for the group, including the number of identities in the group, the group ID, custom properties stored as key-value pairs, and other details about the group, such as when it was created and last updated.

To maintain unique group names, PingOne shows a slightly different group name for groups that were provisioned from an external source. The group name is based on the external group name and the source of the group in the format <group-name>|<group-source>|<group-ID>. For example, CN=Accounting,OU=People,DC=local|GATEWAY|23bd87do1-041d-nrnn-05bjb90d9. Learn more in Just-in-time provisioning of external groups.

The Users tab shows the current members of the group.

The Direct label indicates that a user or group belongs to the group directly, rather than belonging to a group within that group, or matching a filter.

The Groups tab shows any nested groups in the group.

The Roles tab shows any roles that have been assigned to the group. Learn more in Administrator Roles.