
Creating a new PingOne environment with MFA

To enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Customer or Workforce workflows, create a PingOne environment, add the relevant MFA service, and then add and configure any other services that you want to include.

About this task

If you have an existing PingID environment and want to integrate it with a PingOne, follow the instructions in (Early access) Integrating a PingID account with a new PingOne environment.


  1. In the PingOne admin console, click + to add an environment, and then select either:

    • Customer Solution to get a preconfigured bundle that includes PingOne SSO, PingOne MFA, PingOne Protect, PingOne Verify, and DaVinci.

    • Workforce Solution to get a preconfigured bundle that includes PingOne SSO, PingID, PingOne Protect, and PingOne DaVinci.

    • Build your own solution: Select the solutions that you want to add to the environment. The options available depend on the license agreement you have.

  2. In the Services window, enter the following information:

    • Environment Name: Enter a name for your PingOne environment.

    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the environment.

    • Environment Type: Select either Sandbox or Production

    • Region: Select the region that you want to create your environment.

    • License: Select the relevant license.

  3. Click Finish.

Next steps

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