
PingOne Release Notes

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March 2025

March 26

Updated LDAP gateway client application

New PingOne

We’ve released LDAP gateway client application version 3.4.0. This version includes:

  • Added correlationId to LDAP gateway client application log to help troubleshoot issues.

  • Upgraded dependencies to improve security.

  • Updated base image to reduce Docker image size.

March 25

Specify preferred language for populations

New PingOne

We’ve added the ability to select a Language for Populations, making it easier to specify the preferred language for a user when building authentication experiences in PingOne DaVinci. Learn more in Managing populations.

Manage Microsoft Active Directory user passwords

New PingOne

For workforce contexts, you can now manage Microsoft Active Directory user passwords using a PingOne LDAP gateway with User Types, where the Password Authority section is set to LDAP and Password changes from PingOne enabled. You can enable the following requirements:

  • Force password reset on next sign on: To force users to reset their password, they must first authenticate using the current password. If the user provides the correct current password, they must provide the current password one more time and define a new password. The new password is sent to Active Directory.

  • Create or generate password: When you set a temporary password, it’s sent to Active Directory and the user must authenticate using the temporary password. If the user provides the correct current password, the user must re-enter the temporary password and define a new password, which is sent to Active Directory.

AAGUID in API responses for FIDO2 devices

New PingOne MFA

When using the devices endpoint to request details of a single MFA device or all MFA devices, responses for activated FIDO2 devices can now include the authenticator attestation identifier (AAGUID) for the type of authenticator. For details, see the new fidoDeviceMetadata object under MFA devices in the PingOne API documentation.

March 23

PingOne Protect (Signals) SDK - new versions

PingOne Protect SDK

We’ve released new versions of the PingOne Protect (Signals) SDK:

  • iOS - 5.3.0

  • Android - 5.2.0

You can find details in the SDK Changelog.

March 20

Kong Gateway integration kit enhancement

New PingOne Authorize

We’ve released version 1.2.0 of the ping-auth plugin for Kong Gateway. This version improves security by supporting referenceable shared secrets in Kong.

March 19

Configure authentication failure limit for FIDO2 devices

Improved Strong Authentication PingID PingOne MFA

When configuring an MFA policy, you can now specify the maximum number of times authentication can fail when using a FIDO2 device, before the user is blocked. You can also specify the amount of time the user is blocked from authenticating with that device.

March 17

Custom domain infrastructure changes

Info PingOne

As part of our continued efforts to support best practice security measures in PingOne, we’ll be using Cloudflare instead of Amazon CloudFront as our custom domain ingress infrastructure. This change is being deployed in a phased approach and affects you only if you use custom domains. Learn more about custom domains in Setting up a custom domain.

  • Phase 1: All custom domains added in PingOne after March 17, 2025 will use Cloudflare instead of CloudFront. There will be no change to existing custom domains in Phase 1.

  • Phase 2: Some time in the next quarter, Ping will release a migration option that will enable you to migrate your existing custom domains to Cloudflare on your own schedule. When Phase 2 is released, detailed migration instructions will be provided.

  • Phase 3: Approximately 1 year after the completion of Phase 2, any custom domains that you haven’t yet migrated will be migrated to Cloudflare automatically.

Action required

In most cases, no action is required at this time, and this change should be largely unnoticeable. However, you should contact your organization’s network infrastructure team and direct them to review the Custom domain migration to Cloudflare support post for more information (sign on required). This post contains details about how to assess whether your network and firewall settings require updates to support the new infrastructure.

March 10

ID of authenticating device in ID token

New PingOne

ID tokens now include a new claim called p1.mfa_device_id, the ID of the device that was used to authenticate. You can find more information about the content of ID tokens in ID Token claims.

March 4

PingID device trust predictor in risk policies

New PingOne PingID PingOne Protect

For workforce contexts, risk evaluations can now include the new PingID device trust predictor if your users install the PingID device trust agent on their computers. This predictor requires a PingID and PingOne Protect license.

February 2025

February 25

Language used for notifications

Improved PingOne MFA

When determining what language should be used for a notification sent to a user, PingOne now takes into account the language preference information included in the Accept-Language header sent by the browser. You can find a full description of the logic used for choosing a language in Runtime logic for content selection in the API documentation.

Push notifications - removal of legacy Google cloud messaging option

Info PingOne

With Google dropping support for its legacy cloud messaging APIs, native applications in PingOne no longer let you choose between Cloud Messaging and Firebase Cloud Messaging. The HTTP v1 API is now used for push notifications, and you must provide your Firebase Admin SDK private key.

Apply a specific notification policy to an MFA policy

Improved Strong Authentication PingOne MFA PingID

You can now select which notification policy you want to apply to an MFA policy.

February 24

Remember Me option in MFA policies

New PingOne MFA

You can now use the PingOne API to implement "remember me" functionality in your web applications so that users do not have to authenticate when accessing applications from a remembered browser during the period specified, which can be from one hour to 90 days.

If you include this option, use the new Remember Me Configurations section when defining MFA policies to specify which policies should allow the option. For instructions on implementing this feature, see Remembered Devices.

February 20

Ability to limit custom role access to Overview page added

New PingOne

We’ve added a new Display Environment Overview permission that controls access to the Overview page for the environment. This permission is included in all built-in administrator roles in PingOne, but you can remove it from custom roles to restrict access to this page. This permission affects visibility in the admin console only and doesn’t affect API access. Learn more about built-in and custom roles in Administrator Roles.

February 12

Population theme updates

Improved PingOne

If a population doesn’t have a selected theme, the population now uses the active theme for the environment. This update ensures that preferred branding is displayed to users when building authentication experiences in PingOne DaVinci. Learn more in Managing populations.

Using expressions to access authentication JWT for token fulfillment

New PingOne

You can now use expressions to retrieve information from the authentication JSON Web Token (JWT) for access token and ID token fulfillment. Expressions are supported when using private key JWT and client secret JWT as the token endpoint authentication method. This capability improves interoperability between OpenID Connect (OIDC) applications and resources. Learn more in Token endpoint authentication methods and PingOne expression language variables.

February 5

PingOne Notifications - multiple custom SMS/voice providers

New PingOne MFA

You can now define up to three custom providers to use for SMS/voice notifications. After you’ve defined the providers, you can specify in your notification policies the order of provider preference to use in different geographical locations.

February 4

Multi-factor authentication required for access to admin console - updates

Improved PingOne

As part of our continued efforts to support best practice security measures in PingOne, we’ve made the following updates to enhance the multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirements introduced earlier this year:

  • Update Admin MFA Settings modal: Prompts administrators to update Administrator Security settings when signing on to environments in which enhanced security is not yet enabled. Use the modal to:

    • Update Now: Enforces new default security settings based on current environment policies. Displays information about the authentication policy and settings that will be enabled when you update.

      The confirmation message redirects you to the Administrator Security page so that you can verify the updates and make changes if necessary.

      This update cannot be reversed from the admin console. Contact Ping Identity Support for changes during the opt-in period (until June 1, 2025).

    • Remind me later: Delays the update. Administrators will be prompted again in the next browser session.

  • Policy mapping changes: The current default authentication policy for the environment is mapped to the new system security policy to ensure consistency.

Action Required

Review and update the Administrator Security settings to enhance the security of your environments. For assistance, contact Ping Identity Support during the opt-in period.

Ping Identity will require MFA for all PingOne administrators as of June 1, 2025. Learn more in the PingOne administrators MFA requirement - FAQ.

January 2025

January 31

Access token enhancements

Improved PingOne

To reduce administrative and development tasks, PingOne now always includes the organization ID and environment ID in its access tokens. The claims are included in access tokens as org and env, respectively. If your organization’s processes require the organization ID, environment ID, or both, you can now retrieve this information by reading the JSON Web Token (JWT)-based access tokens or sending introspection requests and reviewing the results.

Role assignment event enhancements

Improved PingOne

The role events in the PingOne audit report now use human-readable text instead of UUIDs for the role that was created or deleted and the scope or level at which the role change was made. Additionally, you can now easily monitor role assignment events by running a preconfigured audit report directly from the Administrator Roles page. Learn more in Viewing administrator role events.

January 30

Detection of replay attacks

Improved PingOne Protect

PingOne Protect now detects replay attacks that use an intercepted valid payload from the Signals SDK.

January 29

Updated defaults for new native applications

Improved PingOne

When adding a new native application, PingOne creates the application with the following new defaults to align with current security best practices:

  • Response Type: Code

  • Grant Type: Authorization Code

  • PKCE Enforcement: S256_REQUIRED

Existing native applications won’t be updated to use the new defaults. You can update the settings for new and existing native applications as needed. Learn more in Editing an application - Native.

Format of phone numbers in Mexico

Info PingOne MFA

The format of Mexican phone numbers that was used prior to August 2019 (adding "1" before the area code) is no longer supported.

January 28

PingID as a digital wallet

New PingOne Credentials

You can now add PingID as a digital wallet to issue verifiable credentials. Learn more in Creating a credential. You can find end user documentation in Manage and share Credentials in the PingID End User Guide.

Terminate user sessions with only ID token

New PingOne

You can now enable OIDC-based applications to send a sign-off request for PingOne to terminate a user session using only the ID token. This is most useful for applications that don’t have access to the session token cookie. This capability is controlled by a new per-application setting, Terminate User Session by ID Token. Learn more in Editing an application.

January 21

OIDC-based LinkedIn external identity provider

New PingOne

The LinkedIn external identity provider (IdP) now uses an -based connection to allow your users to sign on to an application with LinkedIn. The legacy OAuth 2.0-based IdP connection for LinkedIn has been deprecated. Existing applications using the legacy IdP will continue to work, but new applications default to the new OIDC-based connection. Learn more in Adding an identity provider - LinkedIn.

January 20

Introducing Authorize gateways

New PingOne PingOne Authorize

We’ve released Authorize gateway version 1.0.0. To reduce authorization latency when you have demanding performance requirements, you can now deploy authorization policies managed in PingOne to Authorize gateway instances located on-premise or in your private cloud. In highly regulated environments, this also ensures data privacy by keeping sensitive data for authorization decisions within your secure trust boundary. Learn more in Authorize gateways.

January 14

Custom OAuth parameters for HTTP service requests

Improved PingOne Authorize

You can now send additional parameters in HTTP service requests. For HTTP services authenticated with the Client Credentials grant type, use the Custom OAuth Parameters setting to add custom key-value pairs to the token endpoint request. This level of customization is useful when integrating with authorization servers that enforce specific configuration constraints. Learn more in Connecting an HTTP service.

Troubleshooting LDAP authentication

Improved PingOne

We’ve added the following information to the gateway client application logs to help solve authentication issues reported by end users. Find out whether a user:

  • Entered an incorrect username.

  • Entered a correct username but an incorrect password.

For security reasons, this information is only visible to admins and isn’t displayed to end users. The end-user experience remains unchanged. The standard message is Incorrect username or password. Please try again.

Improved application management experience

Improved PingOne

To improve the administrator experience, we’ve moved application endpoints and URLs from the Configuration tab to the Overview tab. This makes it easier and faster to navigate to the configuration details you need for day-to-day application management. Learn more in Viewing application details.

January 10

Authorization Dashboard enhancements

Improved PingOne Authorize

We’ve refreshed the Authorization Dashboard to improve your user experience. You can track authorizations and decision counts by date, and view the average execution time for services, in addition to the maximum execution time. Learn more in Authorization Dashboard.

January 9

Step-up authentication for APIs

New PingOne PingOne Authorize

You can now force step-up authentication when users access sensitive resources through APIs. When authenticated users try to access more sensitive resources, such as salary data, health records, or premium content, you can require a higher level of authentication and also set limits on the amount of time allowed since the last authentication event.

Use the new Respond with authentication step-up challenge statement template to implement step-up authentication challenges in policies that protect API services and operations.

Define Public Key Credential Hints in the FIDO policy

Improved PingOne

You can now define Public Key Credential Hints. This field allows you to select the authenticating device that your users are most likely to choose during pairing. The selection is considered as a ‘hint’ to the authenticator.

Learn more in Adding a FIDO policy.

RADIUS gateway enhancements

New PingOne

We’ve updated the RADIUS gateway client application to version 1.3.0.

This version includes the following enhancements:

  • Support for the use of a forward web proxy server to handle traffic between the RADIUS gateway client and PingOne.

  • Support for the EAP-MSCHAPv2 protocol when integrating the RADIUS gateway with a Network Policy Server (NPS).

Learn more in RADIUS gateways.

RADIUS gateway security enhancement

Improved PingOne

We’ve made some enhancements to the RADIUS Client security configuration to mitigate the risk of a BlastRADIUS attack.

Learn more in Adding a RADIUS gateway.

RADIUS gateway fails to forward requests to the NPS Server

Fixed STAGING-24934 PingOne

We’ve fixed an issue that was preventing RADIUS gateway from forwarding requests to the NPS (Network Policy Server) in instances where the RADIUS client and the NPS shared the same IP address.

January 6

PingID account in PingOne

New Strong Authentication PingOne MFA PingID

We’ve added the ability to create a new PingID account and manage it from a PingOne environment. Many features that were previously managed by the legacy PingID admin portal (on the Configuration tab and the Device and Pairing tab) can now be managed in PingOne.

Administrators can also take advantage of additional functionality available in PingOne including:

  • PingID accounts in PingOne can now configure the full range of authentication methods from PingOne’s MFA policy.

  • All application-specific configurations can be done from the relevant application on the PingOne Applications tab. A PingID mobile application and a PingID desktop application appear in the Applications list by default.

  • PingID’s email, sms, and voice providers can now be configured from PingOne.

    Learn more in Sender.

  • You can now edit and customize PingID notification templates from PingOne.

  • You can view MFA dashboards and reporting in PingOne. PingID reports are still available in the legacy PingID admin portal.

A small number of features are still managed by the legacy PingID admin console, such as PingID policy.

Early access to manage PingID out of PingOne

New Strong Authentication PingID

We’ve provided a limited number of existing customers with the ability to migrate the management of their PingID account to PingOne.

To help administrators who are familiar with specific fields for specific features in the legacy PingID admin portal to find the equivalent fields in PingOne, in the legacy PingID admin portal for all relevant fields we’ve added a link to the equivalent field in PingOne.

Bypass MFA for a specific user

New Strong Authentication PingOne MFA PingID

It’s now possible to bypass MFA for a specific user for a specific time period or for an unlimited time. When bypass is enabled, the user is able to access their account or application without authenticating using MFA.

Documentation improvements

Improved Strong Authentication PingOne MFA

PingOne MFA documentation has been improved and is now included as part of a single section, Strong authentication. The new section includes a dedicated page for each authentication method, outlining the features of that authentication method, and various configuration options. It also indicates which authentication methods are supported by the use case (workforce, customer, or both), and includes details of requirements and limitations for each authentication method.

December 2024

December 16

Device Authorization app restored to PingID policy

Fixed STAGING-25145 PingOne

For PingID accounts that are integrated with PingOne environments, we’ve fixed an issue in the legacy PingID admin portal that was preventing the Device Authorization app from showing in the PingID policy applications list.

December 10

Population alternative identifiers and theme

New PingOne

We’ve added the ability to configure Alternative Identifiers for Populations, making it easier to determine a user’s population based on an identifier value in a DaVinci flow. Additionally, populations can now specify a Theme, making it easier to determine the preferred branding for a user when building authentication experiences in PingOne DaVinci. Learn more in Managing populations.

Add custom attributes from Workday into PingOne

New PingOne

December 9

Define the user presence timeout for FIDO devices

Improved PingOne MFA

You can now define a user presence timeout value for FIDO2 devices. The User Presence Timeout field defines the amount of time the user has to perform a user presence gesture with their FIDO device before the request expires. Learn more in Adding a FIDO policy.

November 2024

November 20

Added Active Directory compatibility to the Reset Password capability

Improved PingOne

The Reset Password capability in the DaVinci LDAP connector is now compatible with Active Directory. Learn more in LDAP Connector.

November 19

User demographic dashboard

New PingOne

The User demographic dashboard shows a summary of user demographic profiles and activity for the selected environment. Learn more in User Demographics Dashboard.

November 18

Simplified OIDC application configuration and integration

New PingOne

We’ve enhanced the application configuration process for OpenID Connect (OIDC) applications. The new Integrate tab provides access to prefilled code examples, instructions, and sample apps for testing connections. Initial support is available for Node.js Express and the Ping SDK for JavaScript. Learn more in Integrate PingOne with a Node.js Express app or Integrate Ping SDK for JavaScript with PingOne.

November 14

Manually approve a user’s ID

Improved PingOne Verify

You can now manually approve a user’s ID from the transaction log. Learn more in Manually approving a user’s ID.

November 13

Specifying authentication policy for SAML applications using flowPolicyId

New PingOne

PingOne now supports using the flowPolicyId HTTP request parameter to indicate the authentication policy for PingOne to use when authenticating users to a SAML application. You can include the flowPolicyId HTTP request parameter in the Initiate Single Sign-On URL to specify a PingOne authentication policy or a DaVinci flow policy. Learn more in Editing an application - SAML.

Amazon API Gateway integration kit retries for client network errors

New PingOne Authorize

We’ve released Amazon API Gateway integration kit version 1.3.0. This version includes a retry mechanism to improve the handling of client network errors caused by connection resets. Use the maxRetries setting in config.js to set the maximum number of retries you want before returning a failed response to the client. The default is 1. Learn more in Configuring Amazon API Gateway for PingOne Authorize integration.

November 12

Language localization

New PingOne Verify

Use language localization to configure one or more languages and modify text fields of PingOne Verify text that is presented to end users in notification and agreements. Learn more in Configuring PingOne Verify language localization.

November 11

Deletion of staging policies when promoting to production

New PingOne Protect

When you promote a staging policy to production, the staging policy will now be automatically deleted from your list of risk policies. You can no longer unlink PingOne Protect staging policies from a production policy. Learn more in Creating and managing staging policies.

November 6

PingOne Protect (Signals) SDK - new versions

New PingOne Protect SDK

We’ve released new versions of the PingOne Protect (Signals) SDK:

  • iOS - 5.2.8

  • Android - 5.1.5

  • Web - 5.4.0

You can find details in the SDK Changelog.

November 5

Support for offline_access scope in OIDC applications

New PingOne

PingOne now supports the offline_access scope for OIDC-based applications. Add offline_access as an allowed scope to enable an application to use the Refresh Token grant type to access previously approved resources when the user is not present and on a per-request basis. This allows the application to drive the decision to request a refresh token based on whether or not it needs a refresh token. Learn more in Editing an application.

October 2024

October 31

Optional sequential character password restrictions added

Improved PingOne

To provide more opportunities to enhance password security, we’ve added options for restricting the use of sequential characters in user passwords. Enforce one or more of these restrictions for your users by adding them to your password policies. Learn more in Password policies.

October 29

SSO into PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

New PingOne

You can now set up single-sign on (SSO) from the PingOne admin console into PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud. With this capability, you can also now assign Advanced Identity Cloud tenant roles in PingOne for use in SSO. Learn more in Setting up SSO to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud and Administrator Roles.

AuthnStatement session validity duration for SAML applications

New PingOne

You can now optionally specify a value for the SessionNotOnOrAfter attribute using the new AuthnStatement session validity duration setting in SAML applications. This new capability improves interoperability, especially if the SAML application requires a longer SessionNotOnOrAfter value than the lifetime of the SAML assertion defined in the Assertion Validity Duration setting. Learn more in Editing an application - SAML.

October 24

Enhanced Getting Started experience for customer use cases

Improved PingOne

We’ve updated the Getting Started experience for creating a password-based customer solution. Enhancements include a more flexible configuration that makes it easier to test different authentication, registration, account recovery, and profile management use cases. Additionally, the underlying DaVinci flows used by the Getting Started experience have been updated to follow our best practices for flow creation and user interface standards.

Learn more on the Passwords tab of Building a customer solution.

October 21

Native, Worker, and Device Authorization apps removed from PingID policy

Fixed PID-14123 PingOne

For PingID accounts that are integrated with PingOne environments, the legacy PingID admin portal no longer lists Native, Worker, and Device Authorization apps in the PingID Policy Applications list.

October 16

Enhanced user interface for external groups

Improved PingOne

We’ve enhanced the UI for external groups to make it easier to determine the source of the group at a glance. The details page for external groups has also been updated to provide more information and includes a link to the configuration details so that you can easily make changes if needed. Warning and informational messages have been added to alert you to potential issues.

Updated LDAP Gateway client application

New PingOne

We’ve released LDAP Gateway client application version 3.3.0. This version includes:

  • Support for using a forward web proxy server that requires authentication to handle traffic between the gateway client and PingOne.

  • Upgraded dependencies for better security and stability.

Learn more about using a web proxy server in Starting a gateway instance.

October 15

Custom administrator roles

New PingOne

For increased security and flexibility of role assignment, we’ve introduced the ability to create custom administrator roles in PingOne. PingOne administrators with the proper role assignment can now create, edit, and assign custom roles using any of the permissions available in PingOne. Custom roles can then be assigned to implement delegated administration and to provide least-privileged access to PingOne resources. The new Administrator Roles UI includes enhanced permission descriptions, privileged permissions tags, and labels that ensure you include permissions essential to using the PingOne admin console. Like built-in roles, custom roles can be assigned to users, groups, worker apps, or PingFederate gateways.

October 9

PingOne notifications - sending through an external email service

New PingOneMFA

You can now use an external email service to send notifications to your users. Learn more in Using a custom email provider for notifications.

October 6

Configure the one-time passcode (OTP) length

New PingOne MFA

You can now configure the length of the one-time passcode presented to the user. This feature is available for Email, SMS, and Voice authentication methods. Learn more: Adding an MFA policy

October 4

Multi-factor authentication required for access to admin console - updates

Improved PingOne

As part of our continued efforts to support best practice security measures in PingOne, we have enhanced the multi-factor authentication requirements introduced earlier this year.

The following updates have been made:

  • You can now enable enhanced administrator security on a per environment basis for organizations that were created before July 18, 2024. Go to Settings > Administrator Security and click Enable Enhanced Security. You will be prompted to confirm your choice. If you later want to disable enhanced administrator security before it is required for all environments, click Disable Enhanced Security on the same page, and respond to the prompt.

  • You can now select the MFA authentication methods you want to support for administrators. Learn more in Configuring administrator security.

  • You can now enable enhanced security for environments using PingID and PingOne SSO. Learn more in Configuring administrator security - PingID.

  • The Multi-factor Authentication setting for all existing administrator users has been updated to Enabled so that these users can enroll a second authentication factor if enhanced security is enabled for their environment.

Amazon API Gateway integration kit retries for 5xx errors

New PingOne Authorize

We’ve released Amazon API Gateway integration kit version 1.2.0. This version includes a retry mechanism to improve handling of 5xx errors caused by transient network or service issues. Use the maxRetries setting in config.js to set the maximum number of retries you want before returning a failed response to the client. The default is 1. Learn more in Configuring Amazon API Gateway for PingOne Authorize integration.

October 3

Support for Microsoft Entra ID external authentication methods by authentication policies

New PingOne

External authentication methods allow Microsoft Entra ID users to leverage external authentication providers for multi-factor authentication (MFA). You can now enable this integration with PingOne authentication policies. Learn more in Setting up PingOne SSO and PingID as the external MFA provider for Microsoft Entra ID.

October 2

Merge or overwrite memberships in outbound group provisioning

New PingOne

You can now merge or overwrite memberships when a group with the same name exists on the target. Learn more in Configuring outbound group provisioning.

September 2024

September 30

MFA policies - application name in authenticator app

New PingOneMFA

To help users recognize which application the OTP displayed in their authenticator app is for, the MFA policy configuration page now includes an option called Show application name. Use this option to specify the text that should be displayed alongside the OTP in the authenticator app.

September 29

FIDO policies - localhost as relying party

Improved PingOneMFA

To facilitate testing, when you define a FIDO policy in a Sandbox environment in PingOne, you can now set Relying Party ID to localhost.

September 9

Enhanced administrator onboarding experience

New PingOne

We’ve released a significant update in the PingOne Administrators environment to streamline the onboarding process for new PingOne administrators. This release introduces a Getting Started experience tailored to address common points of confusion and help new administrators quickly understand and manage their responsibilities within the platform. Learn more in the Introduction to PingOne.

August 2024

August 22

Updated API gateway integration kits

New PingOne Authorize

We’ve released new versions of the following API gateway integration kits:

  • Amazon API Gateway integration kit 1.1.0

  • Apigee integration kit 1.1.0

  • Kong integration kit 1.1.0

These versions improve how the integration kits handle rate limiting to achieve more reliable and stable authorization services. Learn more about connecting your API gateway to PingOne Authorize in PingOne Authorize API gateway integrations.

August 21

Default MFA status for new users setting enabled by default

Improved PingOne

The Default MFA status for new users setting on the MFA Settings page is now enabled by default in all new environments. This setting allows just-in-time registration of new multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods for PingOne administrators the first time they sign-on to the admin console. Learn more in Configuring MFA settings.

August 19

New risk predictor - Traffic Anomaly

New PingOne Protect

A new risk predictor called Traffic Anomaly has been added in order to detect traffic anomalies in terms of variables such as users, devices, and sessions.

The Traffic Anomaly predictor will eventually include a variety of rules, some of which you can select to enable or disable. In this initial release of the predictor, PingOne Protect detects situations where there are a large number of risk evaluations requested for a single user within a short period of time, and optionally can also detect situations where the number of users per device during a given period is suspicious.

When a risk level of High is calculated for the Traffic Anomaly predictor, it is recommended that you deny access because the suspicious activity is likely due to malicious behavior.

For details, see Predictors, Configuring predictors, and the Risk Predictors section of the PingOne API documentation.

User IP from Signals (Protect) SDK payload

Improved PingOne Protect

Due to the use of corporate proxies and other network tools, the user’s true IP was often masked by an internal IP, reducing the benefit provided by risk predictors that factor in the IP or user location. To handle such situations, if PingOne Protect encounters an internal IP, it now uses the user IP that is included in the Signals (Protect) SDK payload. This feature requires version 5.2.7 or later of the Signals SDK for Web.

Deprecation of User Risk Behavior (organization-wide) predictor

Info PingOne Protect

The User Risk Behavior (organization-wide) predictor has been deprecated. The predictor can still be used in existing PingOne environments, but is not available in new environments.

August 9

Updated LDAP Gateway client application

New PingOne

We’ve released LDAP Gateway client application version 3.2.2, which includes improved support for unauthenticated proxy for LDAP gateway provisioning sync.

August 7

Updated LDAP Gateway client application

New PingOne

We’ve released LDAP Gateway client application version 3.2.0. This version includes:

  • Support for using a forward web proxy server to handle WebSocket traffic between the gateway client and PingOne

  • Debug logging improvements

  • Bug fixes

Learn more about using a web proxy server in LDAP gateways and Starting a gateway instance.

August 5

User group conditions in composite predictors

New PingOne Protect

When creating composite risk predictors, you can now include conditions that check what PingOne user groups the user belongs to. For details, see Adding composite predictors and the example in the PingOne API documentation.

New admin alert - suspicious traffic

New PingOne Protect

You can now add an alert to receive an email notification if PingOne Protect detects a pattern of suspicious traffic that requires your attention. For details on adding alerts, see Adding an alert.

Bot detection enhancement

New PingOne Protect

The Bot Detection predictor now has an option that you can select to expand the types of bot activity that PingOne Protect can detect. For details, see Configuring predictors and the Risk Predictors section of the PingOne API documentation.

July 2024

July 30

RADIUS Gateway enhancements

New PingOne

  • We’ve updated the RADIUS Gateway client application to version 1.2.0. This version supports running a standalone RADIUS Gateway as a Windows service.

  • We’ve added the option to configure the RADIUS Gateway port and also added support for PAP protocol when integrating the RADIUS Gateway with a Network Policy Server (NPS).

  • Some minor issues were fixed in the following flows:

Learn more: RADIUS gateways.

July 26

Updated defaults for new single page applications

Improved PingOne

When adding a new single page application, PingOne creates the application with the following new defaults to align with current security best practices:

  • Response Type: Code

  • Grant Type: Authorization Code

  • PKCE Enforcement: S256_REQUIRED

Existing single page applications will not be updated to use the new defaults. You can update the settings for new and existing single page applications as needed. Learn more in Editing an application - Single page.

July 22

Dynamic linking for registration of FIDO devices

New PingOne MFA

For MFA, the PingOne API now includes an option to use dynamic linking to attach a unique identifier to the registration of a FIDO device.

For details, see the FIDO2 devices data model table under MFA devices in the PingOne API documentation.

July 18

Multi-factor authentication required for access to admin console

New PingOne

As part of our ongoing commitment to enterprise security and supporting best practices, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is now mandatory for PingOne administrators in organizations created after July 18, 2024. If your organization was created before July 18, 2024, you will be able to opt in for this requirement on a per-environment basis in the coming months. A message in the admin console will indicate when the early access period begins. In 2025, this requirement will be enabled in all organizations, for all environments. Learn more in Administrator security and the PingOne administrators MFA requirement - FAQ.

July 3

Signals (Protect) SDK - authenticity check

New PingOne Protect

It is now possible to have the device data in the Signals SDK payload converted to a signed JWT, to ensure that the content has not been tampered with.

When defining a Suspicious Device predictor in your PingOne environment, you can specify that any risk policies containing the predictor will require that the Signals SDK payload use the signed JWT option, with the signature being verified before proceeding with risk evaluation.

Currently, the option of providing the SDK payload as a signed JWT can be enabled in the initialization code for the SDK or via the option that has been added to the skrisk component used in DaVinci flows.

For details, see Configuring predictors, the documentation for the web version of the Signals SDK, the Risk Predictors section of the PingOne API documentation, and the documentation for the PingOne Protect DaVinci connector.

June 2024

June 28

Verify policy enable AAMVA

New PingOne Verify

We’ve added a new feature for Verify policies, Enable AAMVA. This allows verification of ID information against the issuing agency database. Learn more in Creating a Verify Policy.

June 26

Delegated administration for applications

New PingOne

We’ve created the Application Owner role to limit administrator access to specific applications. Use this role to provide application developers with access only to the applications they manage. This role provides no other administrator permissions in PingOne. Learn more in Administrator Roles and Managing user roles.

User interface updates

Improved PingOne

To ensure consistent terminology throughout the product, two user interface (UI) updates have been made:

  • In the sidebar, under Directory, Roles is now Administrator Roles.

  • In the Users UI, the Roles → Administrative Roles tab is now Roles → Administrator Roles.

June 25

Verify policy fail expired IDs

New PingOne Verify

We’ve added a new feature for Verify policies, Fail expired IDs. This allows users to fail verification when an ID expires. Learn more in Creating a Verify Policy.

June 20

Updated LDAP Gateway client application

New PingOne

We’ve released LDAP Gateway client application version 3.1.2. This version includes:

  • Docker image support for ARM-based hardware and virtual environments, providing more flexibility on how you run your LDAP gateway. Docker automatically pulls the right image, so no action is required.

  • Bug fixes for external password policy enforcement

  • Logging enhancements

June 18

Specifying flow subtype for risk evaluations

New PingOne Protect

When creating risk evaluations, you can now provide additional detail about the context of the flow by specifying a flow subtype in addition to the flow type. For details, see the description of the new flow.subtype field in the PingOne API documentation.

June 17

Providing feedback for risk evaluations

New PingOne Protect

A new endpoint, riskFeedback, has been added to the PingOne API to allow you to provide feedback on the accuracy of specific risk evaluations that were carried out. Each such call can include feedback for up to 100 risk evaluations, and for each evaluation you can specify a feedback category and a reason for including the evaluation in that category. For details, see Providing feedback for risk evaluations in the API documentation.

June 14

Population overview

Improved PingOne

We’ve updated the Populations UI into corresponding sections to easily help navigate through various configurations. Admins can now see details attached to a population within the populations UI, along with the ability to navigate to corresponding configurations in Password Policy and External IdP when needed. Learn more in Managing populations.

June 11

CORS support extended

Improved PingOne

We’ve extended support for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to additional endpoints in PingOne. CORS allows devices on one domain to access resources on another domain. Learn more in Cross-origin resource sharing and in the Cross-origin resource sharing section of the PingOne API documentation.

June 4

Dynamic linking for FIDO transactions

New PingOne MFA

For MFA, the PingOne API now includes an option to use dynamic linking to attach a unique identifier to a FIDO transaction. For details, see Create a request property JWT and Device authentications data model in the PingOne API documentation.

June 3

Allow user to add device nickname during pairing

Improved PingOne MFA

We’ve added the option to allow the user to add a device nickname during the pairing flow. After successfully pairing the device, a popup window is shown, asking them if they want to define a device nickname. If the user does not edit the text field, the default nickname is applied.

For more information, see Adding an MFA policy.

May 2024

May 22

Social login with PingOne Forms for DaVinci now supported

Improved PingOne

When creating or editing a form in User Experience → Forms, you can now add a social login button from the Toolbox. For details, see Form toolbox.

This feature is in limited release. Contact Ping support to request access to this feature.

May 15

PingOne MFA mobile SDK 1.10.1 (iOS only)

New PingOne Mobile SDK

Version 1.10.1 of the PingOne MFA mobile SDK for iOS has been released.

This version contains a single bug fix. For details, see Release notes - iOS version.

May 9

Application role assignment enhancements

New PingOne Authorize

We’ve made it easier to assign application roles to users. Now you can assign application roles on the Users page, in addition to assigning users to roles when you create an application role. Learn more in Managing user roles.

May 7

Updated UI for Alerts

Improved PingOne

The user interface (UI) for Alerts in PingOne has been updated with a new look and feel. You can now add a name for alerts and search/sort by alert name.

May 6

New domain for Australia region

New PingOne

We’ve added a new domain for our Australia region that reflects Australian data residency. Organizations created for our Australia region after May 6, 2024 will use the new domain name. Organizations created before that date must continue to use the .asia domain name. Learn more about regional domains in Introduction to PingOne.

April 2024

April 25

New Kerberos Check audit event types

New PingOne

We’ve added two new event types for PingOne gateways configured to use the Kerberos protocol for authentication:

  • Kerberos Check Succeeded

  • Kerberos Check Failed

You can review these events in the PingOne Audit log. Learn more in Event types.

April 24

Microsoft 365 application Subject NameIdentifier Format enhancements

New PingOne

When adding or editing a Microsoft 365 application, you can now configure the Subject NameIdentifier Format format value and also configure a mapping for the value to a PingOne attribute. Learn more in Adding Microsoft 365 to the PingOne application portal.

Application permissions in access tokens

New PingOne Authorize

Now you can include a permissions claim in access tokens created for your APIs and custom resources. This enables you to retrieve and enforce permissions for application features and API resources developed by your organization. Learn more in Application permissions.

Additional protocols supported in custom theme footers

Improved PingOne

The tel and sms protocols are now supported in HTML footers used in customize themes. Learn more in Customizing a theme.

April 16

Custom data group properties in PingOne Directory

New PingOne

We’ve made it easier to add custom properties to groups in PingOne Directory. Now you can simply add metadata properties as key-value pairs in the user interface for creating or updating groups. Learn more in Creating a group.

April 10

Verify dashboard

New PingOne Verify

The Verify dashboard shows identity verification transaction activity for your organization. Learn more in Verify dashboard.

Ability to upload and download a complete language pack

Improved PingOne

Previously, when uploading or downloading a language pack in User Experience > Languages, you could only download the translatable keys for each module. Now, you can download or upload the complete language pack.

April 8

Verify policy document authentication provider

New PingOne Verify

You can now configure a document authentication provider in your verify policy. Learn more in Creating a verify policy.

April 4

Verify policy retry attempts

New PingOne Verify

We’ve added two new features for Verify policies: Government ID Retry Attempts and Selfie Retry Attempts. This allows users to retake pictures of a government ID or selfie if the previous image had a quality problem.

Learn more about government ID retry and selfie retry in Creating a verify policy.

April 3

Automatic verification of "sender" email address

New PingOne

The requirement of responding to a verification email when adding a "sender" email address made it difficult to add an address that does not have an inbox. Now, when you create a trusted email domain, PingOne creates an additional text record that reflects the association of the domain with the specific PingOne environment. If you add this new record to your DNS, any sender email address belonging to the domain is set to active status as soon as you create it, with no need for a verification email.

April 2

Unique theme IDs and names added to Branding and Themes

New PingOne

Branding and Themes now have unique Theme IDs for themes that can be copied and pasted directly into the PingOne Forms connector. A unique theme name will also be generated by default to prevent having duplicate themes in the environment.

Learn more in PingOne Forms connector.

Aggregate passkey devices per user during authentication

New PingOne MFA

We’ve added the ability to aggregate all FIDO2 devices associated with a user’s account during authentication. This simplifies authentication, as the user is presented with a single FIDO2 authentication method representing all of their paired FIDO2 devices, rather than seeing each device listed separately. If the user chooses to authenticate with the aggregated FIDO2 authentication method, the OS of the accessing device selects the most appropriate method for them to use to authenticate.

Learn more at Adding a FIDO policy.

April 1

Environments UI enhancements

Improved PingOne

We’ve updated the Environments page to include search and sort capabilities that make it easier to find the environment you need. We’ve also added the ability to upload a custom icon to make an environment stand out visually in the list. Additionally, you can now view and edit environment details without leaving the Environments page. The Environment Properties page has also been updated, providing a consistent experience. Learn more at Getting Started with PingOne and Environment properties.