
Characters supported in PingOne user attributes

The characters supported in user attributes in PingOne vary depending on the attribute. Learn more in the following table.

Attribute Supported characters

Email Address

Uppercase and lowercase English letters: A-Z; a-z

Arabic numerals: 0-9

The following symbols:

  • Exclamation mark (!)

  • Pound sign (#)

  • Dollar sign ($)

  • Ampersand (&)

  • Single quote (')

  • Asterisk (*)

  • Period (.)

  • Left and right parentheses ( )

  • Comma (,)

  • Left and right angle brackets (< >)

  • Backslash (\)

  • Left and right square brackets ([ ])

  • Colon (:)

  • Semicolon (;)

  • At sign (@)

  • Plus sign (+)

  • Slash (/)

  • Equals sign (=)

  • Question mark (?)

  • Caret (^)

  • Underscore (_)

  • Backtick (`)

  • Right and left curly brackets ({ })

  • Pipe (|)

  • Tilde (~)

  • Dash (-)

Unicode characters between \u0080 and \uFFF

Double quotes (") if they meet the following criteria:

  • Must be used before the At sign (@)

    • Valid: "helloworld"

    • Invalid: helloworld@"example".com

  • Must be separated by periods (.)

    • Valid: hello."world"

    • Invalid: hello"world"

  • Must be paired correctly

    • Valid: "helloworld"

    • Invalid: helloworld"

  • Characters after @ must be a properly formatted domain name

  • Username

  • Name

    • Formatted

    • Given Name

    • Middle Name

    • Family Name

    • Honorific Prefix

    • Honorific Suffix

  • Nickname

  • Account ID

  • Title

  • Type

  • Address

    • Locality

    • Region

    • Postal Code

All characters in the following Unicode general categories:

  • L - Letter

    • Lu

    • Ll

    • Lt

    • Lm

    • Lo

  • M - Mark

    • Mn

    • Mc

    • Me

  • N - Number

    • Nd

    • Nl

    • No

  • P - Punctuation

    • Pc

    • Pd

    • Ps

    • Pe

    • Pi

    • Pf

    • Po

  • S - Symbol

    • Sm

    • Sc

    • Sk

    • So

  • Z - Separator

    • Zs

    • Zl

    • Zp

  • Address

    • Street Address

All characters in the following Unicode general categories:

  • L - Letter

    • Lu

    • Ll

    • Lt

    • Lm

    • Lo

  • M - Mark

    • Mn

    • Mc

    • Me

  • N - Number

    • Nd

    • Nl

    • No

  • P - Punctuation

    • Pc

    • Pd

    • Ps

    • Pe

    • Pi

    • Pf

    • Po

  • S - Symbol

    • So

  • Z - Separator

    • Zs

  • Address

    • Country Code

Two-letter country codes as listed in ISO 3166-2. Three-letter country codes are not supported.

Any string of two uppercase letters is allowed, which means it is possible to enter a value that does not correspond to a country. For example, ZQ is valid in this attribute, but is not a valid country code.

  • Primary Phone

  • Mobile Phone

All characters in the following Unicode general categories:

  • L - Letter

    • Lu

    • Ll

    • Lt

    • Lm

    • Lo

  • M - Mark

    • Mn

    • Mc

    • Me

  • N - Number

    • Nd

    • Nl

    • No

  • P - Punctuation

    • Pc

    • Pd

    • Ps

    • Pe

    • Pi

    • Pf

    • Po

  • S - Symbol

    • Sm

    • Sc

    • Sk

    • So

  • Z - Separator

    • Zs

To allow for the many different ways phone numbers are written around the world, the selection of characters that are valid in this attribute is fairly broad. However, this also means that it is possible to enter a value that does not correspond to a valid phone number.

The following list contains examples of different phone number formats:

  • USA: +1 512 555 1212

  • USA: +1-512-555-1212

  • USA: (512) 555-1212

  • Germany: (30) 1234 5678

  • Australia: +61 3 1234 5678

Custom Attributes

Because administrators can define custom attributes that are set to No Validation or to a custom Regex Validation, supported characters will vary.

If the attribute is set to use No Validation, all Unicode characters are supported.

If the custom attribute is set to use Regex Validation, the Expression field supports all Unicode characters. The characters allowed by the expression defined in this field are the supported characters for the custom attribute.