
Viewing user ID verification status

After you’ve configured ID verification, you can view a user’s details to see their verification status. You can view user details in the PingOne admin console or through the PingOne Verify REST API.

  • Console

  • API

Viewing user ID verification status in the PingOne admin console


  1. Go to Directory → Users.

  2. Locate the user you want to view.

    You can browse or search for users.

  3. Click the user entry to open the user details panel.

  4. In the user details panel, click the Services tab → ID Verification to view the verification details for the user.

    The Status section indicates the current state of the ID verification process for the user and can have one of the following values:

    Not Initiated

    The user must send their ID information for verification using the customer Verify app, either during registration or the next time the user signs on, depending on the configuration settings for the policy set in the PingOne Verify Integration Kit.

    In Process

    The ID verification service is in the process of receiving the user ID information sent with the ID verification transaction record, and attempting to validate the user ID information with the service provider.


    The user verification process encountered an error. The error message is shown in the Status section in the PingOne admin console and in the Verify app on the user’s device.

    If the ID verification fails more than three times in a 1-hour period, the user must wait an hour before trying again.


    The user ID information has been validated by the service provider and verified by the ID verification service.

    The Attempt Count section shows the count of user ID verification attempts.

Viewing user ID verification status with the PingOne Verify API


  • Use the PingOne Verify REST API to make one of the following requests:

    Choose from:

GET /environments/{envID}/users/{userID}/verifyTransactions

Returns all changes (transactions) in verification status for the user. For more information, see READ all ID verification transaction records for a user.

GET /environments/{envID}/users/{userID}/verifyTransactions/{transactionID}

Returns a specific change (transaction) in verification status for the user. For more information, see READ an ID verification transaction record for a user.