Office 365

Verify federated domain

Confirm ownership of the federated domain.

For more information on the verification command, see the online documentation Confirm-MsolDomain.

Execute the Powershell commands below in the command prompt window used in Add federated domain.

PS> $domainName = “<federated_domain_name>”
  PS> $hostName = “<sub-domain>.$domainName”
  PS> $port = 9031
  PS> $pingfederate = “https://$\{hostName}:$port
  PS> $brandName = “<federated_domain_alias>”
  PS> $issuer = “<PingFederate_SAML_2_entity_id>”
  PS> $spId = “urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline”
  PS> $activeLogOn = “$pingfederate/idp/sts.wst”
  PS> $logOff = “$pingfederate/idp/”
  PS> $metaData = “$pingfederate/pf/$spId”
  PS> $passiveLogOnPF=”$pingfederate/idp/SSO.saml2”
  PS> Confirm-MsolDomain -DomainName “$domainName”
     -FederationBrandName  “$brandName” -IssuerUri “$issuer”
     -LogOffUri $logOff  -PassiveLogOnUri  “$passiveLogOnPF”