Agentless Integration Kit

Attribute formatting

Attribute formatting specifies how attribute names and values are passed between the application and PingFederate. To set the incoming and outgoing attribute formats, see the Advanced Fields section of the adapter instance configuration.

By default, PingFederate uses JSON to format incoming and outgoing attributes.

Incoming attributes

Incoming attribute formatting specifies how attributes are encoded into the HTTP request from the application to the PingFederate dropoff endpoint. See Reference ID Adapter endpoints.

Incoming attribute formats
Format Details


Attributes are encoded according to the JSON data model.

Query parameter

Attributes are encoded as query string parameters in the URL.

Outgoing attributes

Outgoing attribute formatting specifies how attributes are encoded into the HTTP response from PingFederate to the application at the pickup endpoint.

Outgoing attribute formats
Format Details


Attributes are encoded according to the JSON data model.


Attributes are encoded by using the java.util.Properties class.