CIBA prompt customizations
Client-initiated backchannel authentication (CIBA) involves prompting a user to accept or reject a request. You can customize the request prompt using pre-defined attributes or map complex custom attributes.
Simple prompt customizations
For simple, centralized customizations, you can modify the notification template that PingOne uses to generate the request prompt. Notification template customizations allow you to use the following:
Static text
A pre-defined set of attributes from the client request context
Simple prompt customizations require changes to the PingOne notification template only.
Location: PingOne console > Experiences > Notifications.
You can find more descriptions and examples in Simple CIBA prompt customizations.
Advanced prompt customizations
If you need more advanced customizations in the request prompt, you can define custom attributes in PingFederate and pass them to PingOne.
The PingOne MFA CIBA Authenticator allows you to use the following:
Static text
Modified attributes from the client request context
Contract attributes from the PingFederate CIBA request policy
Messages from the PingFederate language-pack localization files
Apache Velocity Template Language code to manipulate any of the above
Advanced prompt customizations require coordinated changes to all the following:
The PingOne notification template
Location: PingOne console > Experiences > Notifications.
The PingOne Template Variables table of the PingOne MFA CIBA Authenticator instance
Location: PingFederate console > Authentication > OAuth > CIBA Authenticators > Your PingOne MFA CIBA Authenticator instance > Instance Configuration.
The Extended Contract tab of the PingOne MFA CIBA Authenticator instance
Location: PingFederate console > Authentication > OAuth > CIBA Authenticators > Your PingOne MFA CIBA Authenticator instance > Instance Configuration.
The PingFederate CIBA request policy
Location: PingFederate console > Applications > OAuth > CIBA Request Policies > Your CIBA request policy > Contract Fulfillment.
You can find more descriptions and examples in Advanced CIBA prompt customizations.