PHP Integration Kit

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The following files are included in the PHP Integration Kit .zip archive:

  • ReadMeFirst.pdf – contains links to this online documentation.

  • legal – a directory that contains this document:

    • Legal.pdf – copyright and license information.

  • dist - a directory that contains libraries needed to run the adapter:

    • opentoken-adapter-<version>.jar - OpenToken Adapter JAR file.

    • pingidentity/opentoken – directory containing files for the Agent Toolkit for PHP.

      • agent.php

      • /helpers – directory containing:

        • config.php

        • keyvalueserializer.php

        • multistringarray.php

        • opentoken.php

        • passwordkeygenerator.php

        • token.php

  • sample

    • common – directory that contains common files for the sample applications.

    • config – a directory that contains configuration files for the sample applications.

    • idp – a directory that contains the IdP sample application.

    • sp – a directory that contains the SP sample application.

    • – a PingFederate configuration archive to use with the sample applications.

    • – an installation shell script for the sample applications.