Box Provisioner

Obtain client ID and secret from Box

About this task

The Box Connector’s outbound provisioning functionality is built using Box’s REST API, which requires an OAuth 2.0 access token for authentication. To obtain the access token, you will need to first obtain an app key and secret from Box.


  1. Log into your Box account as an administrative user for your organization.[]
  2. Navigate to Dev Console.

  3. Navigate to My Apps.

  4. Select Create New App.

  5. Select Enterprise Integration.

  6. On the Authentication Method screen, select Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication).

  7. Give your application a name, such as 'PingFederate Provisioning'.

  8. In the section OAuth 2.0 Credentials, copy the Client ID and Client Secret values for later use.

  9. Update the Redirect URI field with the below URL:

  10. Click Save Changes.