Oracle Access Manager (OAM) Integration Kit

OAM SP configuration


  1. From the extracted distribution .zip archive, deploy the authentication plug-in jar, dist/PingOpenTokenAuthPlugin.jar, within OAM 11g and create an Authentication Module. For information on authentication plugins see About the Custom Plug-in Life Cycle in the OAM documentation.

  2. The authentication plugin requires the opentoken configuration file (agent-config.txt) which can be obtained through the SP adapter configuration as described in the section below. Specify the location of this file for the authentication plugin property opentokenConfigFile.

  3. Create or update an authentication scheme to use the plug-in deployed in Step 1. Use the following values for the authentication scheme parameters.

    Table 1. Configuration directives
    Parameter Value

    Challenge Method


    Challenge Redirect URL


    Authentication Module

    Select the authentication module from step 1.

    Challenge URL


    Context Type


  4. Configure an OAM Webgate to use the updated authentication scheme.