OpenToken Token Translator

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The following files are included in the OpenToken Token Translator .zip archive:

  • Legal.pdf - copyright and license information

  • agent - contains the OpenToken Agent and supporting libraries

    • opentoken-agent-<version>.jar - a JAR file that contains the OpenToken Agent

    • lib - contains the libraries needed by the OpenToken Agent

      • commons-beanutils-1.9.4.jar - the Apache Commons Bean Utility library

      • commons-collections-3.2.2.jar - the Apache Commons Collections library

      • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar - the Apache Commons Logging library

  • dist/pingfederate/server.default - contains the integration files

    • deploy - contains the Java libraries

      • pf-opentoken-token-translator-<version>.jar - a JAR file that contains the OpenToken Token Translator JAR.