
Importing your self-signed certificate into Atlassian

If you are using a self-signed certificate for PingFederate, import it into the Java virtual machine (JVM) key store of the Atlassian server. This is required when the authentication type is mutual SSL or Basic authentication.

About this task

The default key store password on most systems is changeit. On MacOS 10.7 or earlier, the password is changeme.


  1. Run the following command as an administrative user (or sudo):

    keytool -importcert -alias PingFederate -file /<full_path_to_cert>/<certificate_name>.crt -keystore /<full_path_to_jre>/lib/security/cacerts
  2. Replace the variables in the command as follows:

    Variable Description


    Based on previous configuration steps, this value is:



    The file name of the certificate.


    The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) being used by Atlassian is usually listed when you start Jira or Confluence.