Box Provisioner


Box Provisioner 2.5 – April 2018 (current release)

  • Added option to create personal folders on user creates

  • Added option to force delete users with managed content

Box Provisioner 2.4.1 – October 2017

  • Resolved issue when saving new tokens to the database (token renewal workflow)

  • Improved logging for token renewal workflow

Box Provisioner 2.4 – July 2017

  • Added option to provision groups with common name or distinguished name

Box Provisioner 2.3 – July 2017

  • Added option to store Box credentials in a flatfile or in a database

    • Flatfile credential storage is limited to a single instance of PingFederate

    • Database credential storage has the ability to support multiple PingFederate instances (for example, failover use case)

  • Added support for disabling or deleting users without updating any user attributes

  • Added configuration control of provisioning disabled users

Box Provisioner 2.2.2 – March 2017

  • Fixed synchronization on update of users, that were previously created with "User Create Enabled" set to false in configurable options

Box Provisioner 2.2.1 – January 2017

  • Fixed OAuth token issues

  • Fixed the provisioner handling channels with multiple threads

  • Improved handling of different letter case logins and aliases

Box Provisioner 2.2 – November 2016

  • Added support for updating user emails

Box Provisioner 2.1 – May 2016

  • Added support for transferring box content to an admin account during deprovisioning (hard delete only)

Box Provisioner 2.0 – March 2016

  • Added support for additional user attributes

  • Added support for group provisioning

  • Added support for adding users to groups

  • Added configuration options for CRUD capabilities

Box Provisioner 1.0 – June 2014

  • Initial release

  • Added support for user provisioning