OpenToken Token Translator

Read an OpenToken as a WSP

The Agent API provides access to functionality for reading an OpenToken received in an Issue request from the PingFederate STS.

Java Sample Code

The code snippet below demonstrates using the PingFederate STS Java Client SDK to retrieve the OpenToken issued from the PingFederate STS and using the OpenToken Agent API to read the OpenToken. If any errors are encountered while creating the token, a TokenException is thrown:

// Configure STS Client
              (SP-side, IdP connection) AgentConfiguration spAgentConfiguration = new
              AgentConfiguration(); spAgentConfiguration.setPassword("Password1");
              spAgentConfiguration.setCipherSuite(Token.CIPHER_SUITE_AES128CBC);    // Instantiate the OpenToken agent
   Agent spAgent = new Agent(spAgentConfiguration);
// Configure STS
              Client STSClientConfiguration spStsConfig = new STSClientConfiguration();
              spStsConfig.setOutTokenValueType(TokenType.OPENTOKEN);    // Instantiate STS Client
   STSClient spStsClient = new STSClient(spStsConfig);
   // Send RST Issue request to STS
   Element opentoken = spStsClient.issueToken(new Saml20Token(samlToken));
   // Read OpenToken
String otk = textContent(opentoken);
MultiMap otkValues = new MultiValueMap();
otkValues = spAgent.readTokenToMultiMap(otk);