Supported attributes reference
Lists the attributes that can be mapped for user provisioning to Code42.
For more information on SCIM attributes see the SCIM specification and the SCIM enabled service provider documentation.
Attribute | Description |
userName |
A service provider’s unique identifier for the user. This attribute is required. |
givenName |
The given name of the user, or first name in most Western languages (for example, 'Barbara' given the full name 'Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III'). |
familyName |
The family name of the user, or last name in most Western languages (for example, 'Jensen' given the full name 'Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III'). |
workEmail |
Work email for the user (for example, ""). |
title |
The user’s title, such as "Vice President". |
externalId |
A string that is an identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client. |
workCity |
The work city or locality component for the user’s mailing address. |
workState |
The work state or region component for the user’s mailing address. |
workCountry |
The work country component for the user’s mailing address. When specified, the value MUST be in ISO 3166-1 "alpha-2" code format ISO3166; for example, the United States and Sweden are "US" and "SE", respectively. |
workStreet |
The work street address for the user, which can include the street number, street name, P.O. box, and multi-line extended street address information. |
workPostalCode |
The work ZIP or postal code component for the user’s mailing address. |
division |
The division for the user. |
department |
The department for the user. |
manager |
The user ID for the user’s manager in Code42. |