PingOne Credentials Integration Kit

Models, attributes, and error codes

When using the PingOne Credentials IdP Adapter through the PingFederate authentication API, the adapter uses the following state models, action models, objects, and error codes.

State models

Status Response Model Action Description


  • sessionID (string): The ID that can be used to check the status of the credential verification request.

  • sessionStatus (SessionStatus): The status of the credential verification request.

  • qUrl (string): The URL that can be used to get the QR code. Used in the different device SSO flow to open the wallet app.

  • appOpenUrl (string): The URL that can be used to open the wallet app.

  • redirect (boolean): Used in the same device SSO flow to open the wallet app after the user clicks Open Wallet. Uses the appOpenUrl.

  • errorDetails (List<CustomAuthnErrorDetail>): A list of the errors that caused the credential verification request to fail.

  • poll

  • cancel

  • sameDevice

Indicates that credential verification is required.


No model

  • continue

Indicates that credential verification completed successfully.


  • sessionID (string): The ID that can be used to check the status of the credential verification request.

  • sessionStatus (SessionStatus): The status of the credential verification request.

  • errorDetails (List<CustomAuthnErrorDetail>): A list of the errors that caused the credential verification request to fail.

  • cancel

Indicates that credential verification failed.


No model

  • retryVerification

  • cancel

Indicates that credential verification timed out.

Action models

Action Request Model Errors Description


No model


Cancels the verification flow.


No model


Continues the verification flow.


No model


Gets the current presentation session status.


No model


Retries verification after time out or failure.


No model


Indicates that the user prefers to complete verification on the same device. Learn more in Overview of the SSO flow.