.NET Integration Kit

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The following files are included in the .NET Integration Kit .zip archive:

The distribution .zip archive for the .NET Integration Kit contains the following:

  • ReadMeFirst.pdf contains links to this online documentation

  • /legal contains this document:

    • Legal.pdf copyright and license information

  • /dist contains the OpenToken agent for .NET:

    • opentoken-agent.chm – Agent Toolkit API Documentation

    • opentoken-agent.dll – Agent Toolkit for .NET 4.0

  • /sample – contains the .NET sample applications:

    • /IdpSample – IdP Sample Application

    • /SpSample – SP Sample Application

    • data.zip – PingFederate configuration archive for the Sample Applications

The OpenToken Adapter is not included in this integration .zip archive. For details, see Updating the OpenToken Adapter.