JSON Pointer syntax reference
You can find a complete technical description of JSON Pointer syntax in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer.
Example PingOne Protect JSON payload
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://api.pingone.eu/v1/environments/abfba8f6-49eb-49f5-a5d9-80ad5c98f9f6/riskEvaluations/5fa661b4-6be7-468c-afa4-e1213cc15d5a"
"environment": {
"href": "https://api.pingone.eu/v1/environments/abfba8f6-49eb-49f5-a5d9-80ad5c98f9f6"
"event": {
"href": "https://api.pingone.eu/v1/environments/abfba8f6-49eb-49f5-a5d9-80ad5c98f9f6/riskEvaluations/5fa661b4-6be7-468c-afa4-e1213cc15d5a/event"
"id": "5fa661b4-6be7-468c-afa4-e1213cc15d5a",
"environment": {
"id": "abfba8f6-49eb-49f5-a5d9-80ad5c98f9f6"
"createdAt": "2023-06-28T09:40:36.682Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-06-28T09:40:36.682Z",
"event": {
"completionStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
"targetResource": {
"id": "{{targetResourceID}}",
"name": "Jira"
"ip": "",
"flow": {
"session": {
"id": "{{sessionID}}"
"user": {
"id": "john",
"name": "John DeMock",
"type": "EXTERNAL",
"groups": [
"name": "dev"
"name": "sre"
"sharingType": "SHARED",
"browser": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36"
"sdk": {
"signals": {}
"riskPolicySet": {
"id": "a2c47c78-39fd-4f2d-9633-1d61960893c9",
"name": "Default policy"
"result": {
"value": "",
"level": "HIGH",
"score": 80,
"recommendedAction": "BOT_MITIGATION",
"type": "VALUE"
"details": {
"ipAddressReputation": {
"score": 0,
"domain": {
"asn": 766,
"sld": "uniovi",
"tld": "es",
"organization": "universidad de oviedo",
"isp": "entidad publica empresarial red.es"
"level": "LOW"
"anonymousNetworkDetected": false,
"country": "spain",
"device": {
"id": "Id-4c0013c4-5739-440f-91f4-147f460dd2ec",
"estimatedDistance": 0,
"os": {
"name": "Mac OS X"
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome"
"state": "asturias",
"city": "oviedo",
"impossibleTravel": false,
"suspiciousDevice": {
"level": "LOW",
"type": "DEVICE"
"ipVelocityByUser": {
"level": "LOW",
"threshold": {
"source": "MIN_NOT_REACHED"
"velocity": {
"distinctCount": 1,
"during": 3600
"type": "VELOCITY"
"geoVelocity": {
"level": "LOW",
"type": "GEO_VELOCITY"
"botDetectionBasic": {
"level": "HIGH",
"reason": "Browser loading anomaly",
"detected": {
"rule": {
"id": 628
"type": "BOT"
"userRiskBehavior": {
"reason": "Not enough information to assess risk score",
"status": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"ipRisk": {
"level": "LOW",
"userBasedRiskBehavior": {
"reason": "Not enough information to assess risk score",
Description | JSON Pointer | Example value |
Name of the user |
IP Address Reputation level |
To populate an attribute with the entire JSON response, leave the PingOne Protect API Attribute Mapping field blank. |