Java Integration Kit

Deploying the Java agent

About this task

If you are upgrading this integration, we strongly recommend that you reinstall the OpenToken agent in all existing applications (IdP or SP).

As of Java Integration Kit 2.8, there are two versions of the OpenToken agent: the standard OpenToken agent, and the Jakarta EE 9 OpenToken agent.


  1. If you are upgrading this integration:

    1. Stop your web application.

    2. Remove the existing OpenToken agent file from your Java application server:

      Choose from:

      • If you’re using the standard OpenToken agent, remove the opentoken-agent-<version>.jar from the agent folder.

      • If you’re using the Jakarta EE 9 OpenToken agent, remove the opentoken-agent-jakarta-<version>.jar from the agent/jakarta folder

        No code changes are required within applications when upgrading.

  2. From the integration .zip archive, copy the version-specific agent/opentoken-agent-<version>.jar file to your Java application server and make it available in the CLASSPATH of the Java application:

    Choose from:

    • If you’re using the OpenToken agent, copy the agent/opentoken-agent-<version>.jar file.

    • If you’re using the Jakarta EE 9 OpenToken agent, copy the agent/jakarta/opentoken-agent-jakarta-<version>.jar file.

  3. From the integration .zip archive, copy the necessary library file or files to your Java application server and make them available in the CLASSPATH of the Java application:

    Option Description

    Standard OpenToken agent

    • agent/lib/commons-beanutils.jar*

    • agent/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar*

    • agent/lib/commons-logging.jar

    Jakarta EE 9 OpenToken agent

    • agent/jakarta/lib/commons-beanutils.jar*

    • agent/jakarta/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar*

    • agent/jakarta/lib/commons-logging.jar

    Files marked with an asterisk (\*) are only necessary if you are using the Apache commons multimap function to read and write OpenTokens.

  4. If you are upgrading, restart your web application.

  5. Repeat these steps as needed for additional custom applications.

    For a first-time installation, complete the integration as described in Reading and writing OpenTokens (next) and in either Identity provider applications or Service provider applications.