Configuring a Reference ID IdP Adapter instance
Configure the Reference ID IdP Adapter to determine how PingFederate communicates with your identity provider application.
About this task
You can configure the adapter to direct authentication requests, authorization consent requests, or both to your application.
In the PingFederate administrative console, create a new IdP adapter instance:
Choose from:
For PingFederate 10.1 or later: go to Authentication > Integration > IdP Adapters. Click Create New Instance.
For PingFederate 10.0 or earlier: go to Identity Provider > Adapters. Click Create New Instance.
On the Type tab, set the basic adapter instance attributes.
In the Instance Name field, enter a name for the adapter instance.
In the Instance ID field, enter a unique identifier for the adapter instance.
In the Type list, select Reference ID IdP Adapter. Click Next.
On the IdP Adapter tab, configure the adapter instance by referring to Reference ID IdP Adapter settings reference. Click Next.
Optional: On the Actions tab, click Show Pass Phrase and copy the pass phrase to your application. Click Next.
On the Extended Contract screen, add any attributes that you expect to retrieve in addition to the SAML subject (user ID). If you have an external consent application, add the attribute that contains the authorization scopes. Click Next.
On the Adapter Attributes tab, set pseudonym and masking options as shown in Set pseudonym and masking options in the PingFederate documentation. Click Next.
On the Adapter Contract Mapping tab, configure the contract fulfillment details for the adapter as shown in Define the IdP adapter contract in the PingFederate documentation. Click Next.
On the Summary tab, check and save your configuration:
Choose from:
For PingFederate 10.1 or later: click Save.
For PingFederate 10.0 or earlier: click Done. On the Manage IdP Adapter Instances tab, click Save.
Create an SP connection using this Reference ID IdP Adapter instance. Learn more in Identity provider SSO configuration in the PingFederate documentation.