
Form properties

You can view and edit form properties on the Properties tab.

Property Description

Form Name

The name of the form. This name is used internally and is not visible to the end user.

This property is required.

Form Description

A description of the form.

This description is used internally and is not visible to the end user.

Localization Display

PingOne localization support. Valid displays are:

Display translations

Displays all translated strings on the form. If custom strings exist, ensure that keys and translations for these strings are included to prevent partially translated forms from displaying.

Display keys

Displays the translation keys for all strings on the form.

This option is typically only used for testing purposes.

Display only the default language

Displays the default language on the form without localization information.

Show "Required" field indicators

When selected, the form indicates the fields that the user must complete.

Show "Optional" field indicators

When selected, the form indicates the fields that are optional for the user.

This property is selected by default.